Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WHat DiD U PuT In ThEm FeeDBaGs!!

I am not the worlds first primal athlete, but I consider myself to be 98% primal most of the time.

What does that mean? It means I try to eat whole and natural every chance I get. No preservatives, chemicals, additives, etc...

So what did I take to eat with me or what was my nutritional plan for my Ride around the Big Lake?

Well I can tell you, that my biggest mistake was drifting into that 2% range by having some Fried Potatoes. What I should have done for Lunch was a baked potato, the meat and that's it. Regardless, what did I eat before lunch.

Well my strategy for Saturday actually started a couple of weeks before the ride. I intentionally fattened myself up about 10 extra lbs. That's right, I like to burn fat when I run long and I sometimes fatten myself up for events. It actually took awhile to retool my system to burn the fat instead of going for quick carbs, but it works better, FOR ME. Ever since I leaned out, I can do a pinch test on my stomach and tell how much I got extra and if I am running out.(dead serious I can) Sometimes its 10 sometimes its 5, depends on the length of the event.

SO, the night before I hit Publix.

I bought:
3 Organic Kiwi's
1 pack of Natural colby jack cheese
1 package full of Organic Strawberries
1 pack of True North Almond Clusters
1 pack of the New Natural Planters Dark Chocolate Trail Mix
1 Large BAr of Organic 70% Dark Chocolate
5 pack of Nut-Tritious mixed nuts, individual sized.

The cheese and Strawberries I ate the morning of the ride. At the first regroup spot I shared the Dark Chocolate bar with everyone. The Almond Clusters I ate while riding, the Nut Tritious packets I ate when we waited for others to regroup, same with the Kiwi's. I never got to the trail mix and I never finished the Almond Clusters nor the mixed nuts, cause of LUNCH.

Anyhow, I had enough food to make it to the end. Next time I will make better choices when it comes to eating the restaurant food. But take note, in that list, no gels, no magic powders or concoctions. Im not preaching, its my choice to eat the way I eat, I just wanted to share what I consumed before I went off my primal plan and then got sick.

O well, its all in the past now,



PS: I stepped on the scale and I am back down to the weight that I was at before I started prepping for this ride, I burned 10lbs over that one day.


  1. Mr Anonymous,

    I appreciate your response, next time add a name and maybe I will not remove it.

    Your doing simple math for a very complex function as the human body. Considering every aspect of your daily activity burns calories its not that incredible.

    who knows maybe it all didn't happen that one day, but you can easily lose that much weight with the right amount of heat, effort and conditions.

    Everyone usually carries about 5 lbs of water weight at all times. So its not uncommon for me at least to start a ride and end it 5 lbs or more ligther, happens to me all the time.

    Ever watch the show ultimate fighter, Or seen wrestlers or boxers, those guys cut weight in hours 10lbs sometimes more??

    its not that amazing..

    Regardless, are you trying to say, this didn't happen? What exactly are you saying?

    Whichever one it is, I can tell you one thing I have learned over the years, seeing is believing, anytime you want feel free to come and check me out, I have nothing to hide.


  2. Karlos,

    Where do you do most of your shopping for natural foods? Is is a specialty store or just any Grocery store?

    How many calories do you consume per hour when you ride?

  3. Publix, is my usual store.

    Per hour, depends, I tend to munch, I am a big proponent of the listen to your body thing, the biggest thing I worry about on most rides is not food its usually water, cause I tend to forget to drink and eat.

    When I used to eat kind bars I could really measure it because they were servings. But lately since I have just been eating nuts out of big bags, I kind of look at the overall calories that the bag offers and try to finish it over the course of the ride.

    A bag of almond clusters will sometimes have over 600 calories for the bag, for example, I tend to like those cause it has a little bit of sugar and it has protein which works for me. I like to try and eat fruit, especially strawberries for the potassium.

    So usually what I do, not this last time, but usually I just buy how many calories I will need for that day and try to finish them before the day is done, Usually I end up having lots of food left over, I tend not to need to much fuel while riding, depends on the effort.

    At the PMBAR though I felt like I was eating every chance I had, munching the whole time basically...

    I also brought two nice sandwiches that had to be 400 cals each... so I am unorthodox but there is a reason I do things the way I do.

    For one on the GDR I will not really have access to all those magical gels and such on the route, and for two, I dont like eating highly processed foods.

    Probably didnt answer your question, but o well..

  4. No, you did answer it. I have to be careful about the whole listening to my body thing though. If I wait till my body tell me to eat, it's too late.

    So, I have another question for you. Are you planning all these events to help in your planning of the GDR or do you just enjoy it? or both? And did you ever get a chance to check out the CFITT blog? It's ok if you don't like it. I can change anything you want.

  5. J.

    I did, I like it, I got to play with it.

    I do these things and rides cause I enjoy the adventure of being out there on your own just you and the terrain to go for miles and miles. I like traveling by bike, but I also like traveling off the beat and path just as much.

    The GDR will be just one gigantic dream tour for me and thats really my approach to it. Get out there, ride and enjoy, drop the hammer, not so much.
