Saturday, December 01, 2007

2007 Horrible Hundred: Photo Journal

My COCK pit for the next 102 plus miles.
The weather was a tad chilly that Sunday, but I knew, that by the time I started riding, the weather would be perfect. As I made my way onto the event parking lot, I spent a good moment laughing at all the roadies who were decked out in leg and arm warmers as if it was cold enough to warrant such equipment.
There was a huge sand pit in the parking lot where we were sent to park. It was obvious to me, that if you didn't have the proper equipment you could easily get stuck. Well, first, a minivan got stuck and they pushed them out. Then a Lil mini suv got stuck and they pushed him out. Then right as I was finishing getting ready, this VW bug got stuck. Personally, I don't think men should be allowed to drive VW bugs as they are clearly chick cars. And Secondly, Its obvious, Roadies and dirt don't mix.
This guy tried to pull him out, but the rope broke.The Start: I don't know how many hundreds of people were there, but this was about 1/4 shot of the crowd at the line.Before the start there were two people flying over head on these.For the first 50 miles or so, I kept my camera tied onto my grip. I guess I was hoping to catch a bunch of action shots. Eventually I got too caught up in trying to ride with a group to save time, so I ended up with this one action shot early in the ride.

This was at rest stop one. Lots and lots of people who need a drink.

Me at rest stop two or three I forget, I know I was 47 miles into the ride at this point and the infamous Ron Bennett aka one lap, took this picture. I did the entire ride on my 29er in preparation for all the off road hundies I will do next year. I figure, If I'm going to ride 100 miles in the woods, I need to find out how comfortable my bike will be for the long haul. What did I discover, yea, I think I could do it, though I spent many a minute wondering.
Here is the photographer from the previous shot. After this stop, I saw him at OZ stop. After that one, he decided he didn't want to push himself anymore and ended the day with a miserable metric.

Here are the ride totals. Hope you enjoy!

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