Thursday, December 13, 2007

Self Supported

Honestly, I don't think that people understand the gravity of those two words.

Imagine, how much more of a race the Tour De France would be if it was self supported. If those riders had to provide or arrange their own lodging for the 2o some odd stages, carry their own food, water and fix their mechanicals. It would completely change the race.

As it is, some people think it would be tough to do the Tour DE France. As well it might be, but c'mon, you got a car full of supplies following you the whole way, your team mates blocking the wind, how hard could it really be.

How many of you have done a self supported ride. I know there are tons of people who have done it, but Off road, how many have done it. I personally don't know many who have. Now some would argue that their 20 to 30 off road rides are self supported and I would agree. Your carrying your own food and water for the distance then congratulations, you are self supported.

Now, the past couple of days, those words have haunted me. This Saturday I'm going to venture on the longest ride of my life, some of it off road, 110 miles, completely self supported.

I don't know how I feel about it. But I have been doing some math.

I did the Horrible Hundred, 102 miles, in 7 hours and 40 something minutes. I got to do 8 more miles then that on Saturday. So lets round it up to nine hours. 200 calories for 9 hours, is 1800 calories that I have to carry.

So here is what I plan to carry on Saturday:

My emergency epic ride mechanical kit. Refer to the Pisgah posts to see all that is in that kit.
Some bug spray for sure and a light, just in case I run out of sun.
A rain jacket for sure cause I hear its going to rain.
Some sun block.
100 oz of water. I also now have the option to carry an additional 50oz in the same pack by just putting another bladder in the storage area of my camelbak.
I can ride 45 miles off road easy with 100oz of H2O. So I may carry the 50 and just plan on restocking. Or should I just carry 1500z so I have to stop less. Decisions, decisions.
And the 1800 Calories of food. I plan on dividing that food, amongst, granola bars, trail mix, Cajun trail mix, gummy worms and some candy bars.
Finally, my music, with some speakers so as not to shut the person who is riding with me out.

I will have a large saddle pack to put my emergency mechanical kit in. My handlebar bag for everything else. And my camelbak will carry my water and nothing else.

Self support at its finest.

Whats also a Lil bit intimidating about this ride is that there is no bail out. If I get tired, I still got to pedal my way out. So determination is the only mindset that I shall have, because this is a ride that I MUST finish, no two ways about it.

I will take tons of pictures and I will of course share. I just hope I don't end up brain dead like I did after the Horrible Hundred.


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