Wednesday, January 30, 2008

ThE BiGGeSt RooM in the WorLd

That's what people say about improvement. It is the biggest in the world cause we all have an opportunity to do it.

I have been on a mission since 2006 and the butt kicking I took at the ORAMM. And slowly but surely everything has been coming along little by little.

In 07 I gave up Meat. Specifically, beef, pork and chicken. Now I have on occasion had a little bit of each of those, but I am hardly the meat eater that I used to be.

In 07 I gave up Soda. Man that was tough. I love me some cold soda. And again, I have had a little soda here and there, but I am far from being the soda drinker I used to be.

In 07 I gave up fast food. Real tough, but not as bad as the others. The hardest and best thing I miss is a Whopper. Man a Whopper is just so good. Regardless, I have ate some fast food on a rare Occasion, I can probably count on one hand how many times I ate fast food in the year of 2007. Not many people can make said claim.

In 08 I'm doing something that is proving to be WAY tougher. It all started from an article I read in Men's Health regarding carbohydrates and the human body. Then my wife started doing it and that helped to make me even more curious. Now the way I am understanding it, most humans have spent so much time eating sugar and carbohydrates, that their body, unless under the right circumstance, just stores the energy. Now when I say Carbs I am referring to bad carbs, such as breads, pastas, rice, etc.

Well, the plan I started a couple of days ago, the intent is to re educate your body on the proper use of Carbs. Its broken up into three phases, each of which is 3 months long. I just started the first phase, which calls for no artificial sugars and no bad carbs.

The past two days have been rough, and they say the first week is the roughest. I have already started just craving some Doritos's man. But, you know, I got to hang in there. The benefit, is not only some weight loss, but, a re educating of your body into properly using Carbohydrates.

The scary part is, that I don't know if I will make it. I also know, I'm not much from backing down from any challenge and my willpower is enormous. I want to improve and make sure I am doing whats best for my physical and spiritual self. And if in the long run, it makes me a faster and stronger cyclist, then Super Bonus.

I will keep you posted on my progress/suffering,



1 comment:

  1. los...
    i have been on a similar diet plan for a while... i cut out most artificial sugars, esp high fructose corn syrup, from my food intake in 06. i cut out soda at the end of 07 and have seriously cut back on beer and alchohol... i have seen as much as a 15 lb weight loss over the past 2 years... the commuting by bike has helped with that as well. I have eaten mostly piscatarian for the last 3 months and that has helped a lot as well. the carb thing sounds like a good idea... keep that up and let me know how it goes... unfortunately for me im too poor really to try a diet that cuts out all the inexpensive foods. ha. well anyway... see you in pisgah bro.

