Saturday, March 08, 2008

Bicycles SuCK!!

Sometimes I totally feel that way. Especially since they stir so much desire in me to ride them and then when circumstances such as work, life and weather prevent me from riding, I am the one left sad and depressed.

I officially have now been without my Mamasita for a week. Its a total bummer, and its a lesson learned to always have a back up bike that I love just as much ready to go. That's the bad news, the good news is, when I get it back it will have a brand new set of centerlock rotors with one big up front and one small in back just like I like it and perfect for the the Mountainous riding I like to do.

The Beast, is up and running, but I have made some calls and since I value my Wobble Naught Fit so much, I have set up an appointment to have it fitted. I bought a new stem for it, some ergon grips and some salsa pro moto bars in the hopes of getting as good a fit on that bike as I have on my Mamasita. The plan is to ride the beast for training and ride it at the PMBAR.

Not much to report in terms of riding, the weather and work have been doing a WWE tag team move on me and keepinng me from riding my bike as often as I would like. I have intentions of putting a complete stop to that and continuing my preparation. My next official race is Cohutta 100 hope to see you all there.

Finally, I am happy to report, that my weight loss continues and I am now 9lbs away from weighing the same amount that I did when I was 18 years old. I know I'm not the only one impressed by those figures.

Till Laters,



1 comment:

  1. yikes....

    a hundred mile race at this time of year?

    I need to tune my bikes
    and then get on em
