Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cause and Effect: NK 100*

Words yet to come.

Here is the Edge Data. How pretty, I love loops!Check the elevation profile, never climbed too high, but there sure were lots of little ups and downs.

Sandpine and Trebor from the MTBflorida forum, thanks for coming and believing in my crazy ride.
Up close Trebor, aka Rob.
Brian, my good friend and manager of Orlando Bikeworks West. Also, the only man I let work on my bike.
The entire group. I invited alot more then this, but only like 9 responded either way. Its OK.
My teamies, Trevor on the far side and Jason on the front side.
El Sandpine, dude is a lot thinner then he looks in pics.
Its not what you think, OK maybe it is, Making a train on the urban singletrack (sidewalk) towards the first dirt section.
Brian, in the train.
In the first dirt section, getting our hammer on. We rode hard and fast most of the day.
We came around the corner on the first stretch of dirt roads and saw this Peacock out with his feathers in a full on fan, we came right around the corner and Rob almost could of crashed into him. This was the best pic I could fire off.
Finishing the first dirt, waiting for stragglers, it was shortly before this that the riders learned what simulated climbing was aka, soft sand slogging.
More waiting.
Into the second dirt section we stopped to wait and this guy just walked up to the fence.
Jason doing some heavy petting.
Then it was my turn.
Jason showing off how to get something out of your camelback as you ride at the same time, impressive insn't it!
At the first "sag" stop, we ate a little, refilled on water, others drank some soda.
Into what some people called their favorite section, the Rail Road Track service road. The pictures don't do it justice. Its a lot harder then it looks. There that small dot, is Sandpine fixing his flat.
Up close shot, I hate getting flats, hey Sandpine, next time put two and a half scoops of stans in your tire.

There is Brian, making his way to the downhill turn off the rail road service road. Dude is relatively new to long rides. And he still came out and did close to 40 miles on his single speed.
There you go, how nice, it goes forever, its actually fun, especially at night, can anybody hear the rocky theme music, I do, every time I ride this.
Off the tracks into Blue springs, waiting for everyone to consolidate again.
This is the little downhill off the track, Sandpine, chose the careful way down, if you ask me its more dangerous to walk it then to ride it.

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