Tuesday, July 29, 2008

ThE cOmeBacK Kid!

Since I have a unique opportunity to start from scratch I have been tooling with a total body fitness plan for my recovery trail. Doing several different activities to prepare for the future events and self imposed challenges.

I am going to Skate(via skateboard) alot more then I have in the past couple of months, Yoga, speed trail hiking/running and calisthenics.

Skated yesterday for the first time in months, man being lighter in weight has increased my POP. I was skying. Played a little game against my son. We set up an old cable reel from my work truck and took turns jumping it and doing tricks over it, seeing if we could out do one another. In the end I took him when I popped a super clean 3.5 foot high ollie(jump on your skateboard) over the obstacle and he could not match it. Won't be long before he kicks my butt out there, but I will enjoy it as much as I can.

Tonight, maybe more riding, and Thursday my first crack at commuting to this job.

Stay Tuned,


1 comment:

  1. You going to be ready for our 8/9 San Felasco training trip?
