Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday Night: No RuLes JuSt RiGht.

As we made our way out of San Felasco after some great conversation with the Bird, MoriSson, Sandpine and this new guy Mike; Our next destination was our $45 dollar Ocala hotel room. I spent a couple of days looking at all the popular sites and could not find a room cheaper then $53 dollars and they wanted you to pay upfront. Well, Friday night I got the great idea to google for a site that compared all the online site prices. I found one and was able to get this great price.
We got to the room ate lunch, cleaned up and took a much needed nap. We got up round nine and got spiffed up and got a chance to check out the Outback Steakhouse. The Bird and I have been wanting to check out this place for the longest time and the chance became available so we went for it.
The food was great, the 3 22 oz Fosters was intoxicating and the conversation exhilirating. Made it back to the room by midnight.
Tomorrow Santos.

1 comment:

  1. Cold beer and bloomin onions....perfect, forget the steak it's overated. LOL
