Monday, September 08, 2008

BE ThanKfuL: FoCuS oN WhaT YoU Got Vs. What YoU DonT GoT!!!

I tell my sons this all the time and its good advice. I have one of the best sponsors in the world. Being part of Team Bikeworks Orlando going on 8 years now has been nothing but beneficial. An added benefit, I discovered we now have a Team Photographer. Not only does Mitch do our pictures, but he also designed the kit that we are all proudly wearing this season. I could not do the magic I do, and have the adventures I have and share the stories I share if it wasnt because of my sponsors.

Thank you.

Here is Mitch's artwork from the 8 hours of Labor:

I got to take a minute and give myself props for my poker face. I have been looking at pictures of fellow riders and you can sometimes see the suffering or effort by the expression on their faces, me, I look cool as a cucumber in all my shots.


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