Tuesday, October 07, 2008

FlAsHbAcK: The BiRd DoEs It aGaIN!!

A couple of weekends back I was sitting at work multi juggling(my name for multi tasking) and the bird and I were chatting it up online about what to do the coming weekend. Well a couple of weekends ago the Bird started riding clips, and I took her on a scouting trip of a section of the Naked Indian route, her least Favorite part, and it was flooded bad. It was good for me, cause I can ride some ridiculous crap, but bad for her, cause she did the low speed fall a couple of times and even had to walk threw some stinky smelly mud. She was cursing and yelling and having a great time (in my best Borat voice, NOT). Eventually we pulled the plug that day cause she was just over it. For me it proved to be very good cause now not only do I have the NK route, but I also have every single alternate planned out for the times when things are super dry or in this case super wet.
She mentioned that Saturday, she wanted to do the NK ride and avoid the bad section (which meant the stinky muddy part). So we planned on Saturday rolling out and doing this damn thing. Well right around 430pm after we hung out and ate and watched the latest Rocky movie, we packed up and rolled out.
I heard someone say a trail always has two faces, the one way you usually do it and then the backwards way. I decided to do it backwards and it was just simply pristine and beautiful. Along the route we encountered several deer, many birds and just great terrain, everything was packed well, no sand slogging. WE made it to Angelina's our usual lunch spot, shared a pizza and a pitcher of beer. By this time it was dark and the air was chilly and crisp. We strapped on our lights and made our way towards Cassadaga in the night.
If you have never ridden there, all the land before it is relatively flat and when you get close to Cassadaga, the terrain starts getting hilly and rolling. The night was quiet, we decided to stop at the park in the middle of the town and relax and enjoy the night. Watched teenage kids mill about, and eventually saddled up and rolled out again. When we hit the longest section of off road riding, we were both feeling a little burn in the legs and when the dog came out to chase us, I told the Bird to hold her ground and the dog backed off. Everything went perfect as we got home close to eleven with another 50 mile ride under her belt. Great times.
Right now, with the weather being cool and all being wet the Naked Indian Trail is in perfect condition. Call me, email me or look me up, will be glad to take you on a hell of a ride.



  1. Looks like you pretty much laid out the revised NK ride route.

    I am tied up for the next two weeks with my diy landscaping.

    I will send you an e-mail if I am 100% percent sure with schedule and commitment.


  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    This ride was so sweet babe!! the trails in stone island were beautiful. I cant wait to do it again. Backwards is definitely my fav!! I admire the skill and effort you have for putting this ride together. You such a sexy manimal too! I love you!
