Monday, December 22, 2008

CrooM 35 Do Or DiE 35! WiNtEr SolSticE RidE

In my imaginary universe that I exist in; I like to create challenges for myself. This past Sunday was simple, go out and ride 35 miles or so, and keep the pace high on the steady end.

People talk about training. And I guess I am always training. My training Methods have been called unorthodox. The training "method" I follow is strictly Organic, my own creation. If Rocky Balboa existed and he was an MTbeer, he would train like me.

I went "off Season". Other riders tend to announce their off season to a point that it makes you wonder. I think if your Serious about improving and taking the sport to a level that helps you transcend this level of existance; Then your always training. Even when your not out riding hard, your focusing on your spin. Your thinking about how could I take that corner better. What could I do to go farther, faster with less energy. These thoughts However, happen deep in your sub conscious. That mind of ours, more powerful then any computer, can make complex physical algebraic calculations while you race along twisty singletrack. This instantaneous exchange is what keeps you from smashing yourself into trees.

When the mind miscalculates, the punishment could be severe.
I can improve your cornering skills with one sentence.
When cornering, look at where you want to exit in the corner
keep your head up and
bam, your railing turns like a speed skier.

Off Season means, that you intend to ride your bike and not give anything other than the ride a thought. Your gonna do Base Miles almost sounds like your planning to reward yourself by doing obsession free cycling. " I'm just going to ride."

Somost of the time my off season is my season time because I tend to "just take a ride" when I can" take a ride". I guess I need to change my point of view and make every ride just a ride, dirt or pave does not matter.

So Sunday I decided I need to make a payment. As Is Tradition, sometimes you must make a payment with marvelous deeds. By pushing yourself to another level. Sometimes payment means to Suffer, on purpose, just a little.

Sandpine came ready to rock. By the time I rolled up, dood had done like crazy Kilometers. I was like, "Damn SP your hardcore". I managed to get Rob Roberts up in that ride, which blew my mind away. And TL was in the house. Mike threw out the invite.

Mike can ride good, Ride's fast, So does Rob. So I really was looking forward to just trying to hold on or be held on too. I like to take the lead and set the pace and they let me. Everyone took a turn at front. We had some ground to cover, so we kept things brisk.

I was surprised by how many miles we had covered. My mantra in 2009 is that "I must become Callous." We had done 17 miles and I felt Fresh.

Becoming Callous, means that I must learn to ride 100 miles a day and not care. I must learn to accept the effort, be it dirty or paved. Accept single track, fire track, dirt road, soft sand, mud, limestone, asphalt, in any combination for at least 100 miles a day. In short, I need to become Callous.

The ride was awesome. I worked as hard as I wanted to, to try and "DROP" Mike and Rob. Im sure any of them could have "stood" up on me and "ghost dogged away". But it didnt happen, thank God I may have had to "turn myself inside out" to keep up on the Solstice ride...

All them brothers can ride in my book and if I had a T shirt I would have gladly distributed some.

SP, 50 miles. Ok! He needed to pay!
TL was taking itJamaican Easy, got into a fork in the trail and took the blue pill. 42 miles.
MK and Rob and myself ~~~est 35 miles.

Now Reap the Rewards Gentleman!




  1. Shreadalicous! But I got a callous reading the first paragraphs. I didn't udnerstand a single word you said until you mentioned SP. LOL... your mind works in too many complicated ways. What happened to a bike, two wheels, cranks, pedal it?

  2. the solstice ride was an awesome idea. on May 23 we must plan another. celebrate the season and pay homage to what that is bigger than ourselves - mother earth and father sun. No worry of me dropping anyone – mike, I believe, could have easily signed the check my ass couldn’t cash…..
