Thursday, April 02, 2009

WoRkInG FoR ThE WeeKenD

I have not rode the bike since the Hobo Cross tour and I am ready to go out and hammer some miles.
I guess I am a weekend warrior now. I have to accept it. Since I cant get out and ride during the week unless I commute to work and back, I have to relegate myself to the title of MTB National Guard.
What ends up happening is that Monday comes and I cant wait to Shred the Tread come Saturday. This weekend I am especially excited about.
We were sitting around the fire the evening before the SSAR, talking and conversating and I told some stories related to the Horrible Bikepacking Fixie trip that Marcel aka Sandpine had not heard before. He said I should of shared those stories on the Blog, and to a certain degree I agree. BUT, if I told everything on the Blog I would not ever have anything to talk about with people when we hang out. What would be the benefit to spending time with the Naked Indian if you know every story he has to tell and every single element of all his adventures; point is clear insnt it, it would be boring.
So Flashback to Early 2009 and the Tour De San Felasco. I was out there Fixie Shredding, at Rest stop one I was approached by a gentleman on a single speed. He asked me if I was the Naked Indian and I said yes, and he handed me a small piece of paper, and Invitation to the Tour De Gainesville. Now, I kept it under wraps. I figure this is a Underground aka Super Secret event and I can respect an event of this format since I put these type of events on. But I look on MTBR and there for the world to see is a thread about it and a map, so I guess the cats out the bag. This Saturday I will be out there riding some of the best that the city of Gainesville has to offer. Last year I went and due to various factors I got shot out the back like a reverse rocket. This time, I am in MUCH better shape, ALOT stronger and although the last time I rode was almost two weeks ago, My legs should be pretty FRESH! I was contemplating flipping my wheel, but I love riding Fixed gear too much to do it, so I will stretch real good and warm my ass up real ice and go out there and ride the 65 miles glued to the front group, hopefully I wont repeat what I did the previous year.

On another note.....

I want to vent. Now, what your about to read is me venting. If you dont want to hear me complaining and expressing my feelings thats ok. If your going to try and apply this to yourself and internalize it and take it personal then I urge you not to read it and just skip to the Laters, LOS and move on. What I dont want to happen after anyone reads this is to think I am mad about this or that I am upset with you. What I dont want to see is comments telling me how they feel about what I just wrote, cause again nothing personal, I dont need to hear an explanation, it is not required, nor necessary, I like and appreciate all the people I know and this really has nothing to do with YOU. I am simply venting, getting it off my chest so it no longer has to take up resident in my brain.

I am disillusioned by humans sometimes. In life you find out something, that seems so obvious and seems like the biggest thing in the world. And you think, wow, this helped me so much that it feels wrong to keep it to myself. So you share and you tell people and then you see their reactions and they act like you just asked them to cut their arm off or something. I mean what are we talking about giving up here, when you look at the big picture its really not that much and its really not that big of a deal and it really helps you be better and it really helps you be healthy, but like I said you would think you asked them to take their first born and throw them in the fire.
Just makes me sick sometimes how "addicted" people are and they refuse to accept it. They make excuses, they want to ease into it like if they were kicking a heroin habit.
Ya, Im kinda retired from the giving advice on nutrition. It frustrates me way too much when I see the people I care about, get good info and they ignore it when they got living proof standing right infront of their face. They would rather trust the propaganda they have been exposed too for years then trust an actual living example. They would rather trust the same goverment that has run this country into the dirt, that has literally had a hand in destroying millions of lives for hundreds of years and scoff at the possibility of conspiracy.

Dont ask, dont tell is the new policy.





  1. We all have our own addictions...

  2. WoRD. Rob Roberts (the infamous) sent me an email that put all my frustrations into perspective, HUGE thanks to ROB!
