Wednesday, May 13, 2009


That word has been on my mind the past couple of days.

Someone asked what keeps the fire alive to go out there and get out and ride.

Well, My Wife, Aka the Bird, Aka the Warrior Princess is reading a book, whose main focus is an individuals power to create their own reality. And at one point my wife complimented me and said that I was really good at creating my own reality. What does that mean??? Well I will explain.

I am a passionate person. No doubt about it, I could be sewing a zipper on a shirt and I would be doing it with a ridiculous passion level. I "GET INTO" whatever it is I am doing. I "DEDICATE" my heart and soul into all my efforts. If its not worth "DOING" then why bother "DOING IT".

As Humans though, complacency can sometimes rear its ugly head. Sometimes we all take a moment to ponder if the grass is indeed greener on the other side. It may very well be. BUT, I am also a deeply spiritual person, who believes in things such as Destiny, Karma and magic. And we all have the power, or "MAGIC" to create whatever reality we choose.

I am not one to be satisfied with comfort. To me the comfort zone is a boring place to exist in. I like to create challenges for myself, and once I satisfy that challenge I move on to the next one. Sometimes I discover that it was a worthwhile effort, other times I discover I may not ever want to do that again. Regardless, I go about my business to constantly push the boundaries of my limits. As hard as some of my efforts have been in the past, I still have yet to feel as if I have exhausted myself completely, after all, there is nothing a good long drink, a good healthy snack and a nice little nap cant fix.

I challenge you, all of you, if you don't already, to take ownership of your reality. To create whatever dream it is you have for yourself. It does not matter if your 21 or 61, you still have plenty of time to mold and shape your reality. Take responsibility for your emotions and control of your feelings, exist to enjoy the moment as you see fit. Too many people, choose to create a reality, in where they are a victim and not much else, boring. Too many people, choose to create a reality in where they are constantly upset and suffering. That's fine, as long as you realize that you are the one creating that reality. In the end, you are indeed in control.

My passion, is extreme challenges, exploration and groundbreaking one of a kind self created experiences.

Enough preaching for a wenesday morning right....

This weekend the Bird and I will be Bikepacking, doing the same route we did last time but backwards,(yup that means I am doing the St Francis Paisley wagon hike a bike again on purpose) and a little more night riding, and a little more sitting in river water during the day. Maybe score some Princeton TEC EOS which I may end up using on my Great Divide Ride, since it uses batteries and does not require charging, which is an option I need to consider.

Next weekend, I will be holding my first ever riders clinic which I am extremely excited and slightly apprehensive about. I will be discussing, the factors that can cause a crash, visualization techniques, bailing techniques as well as important cornering, slow and fast riding skills every rider should be aware off. As well, when its all done, I will invite the entire crew for a ride around alafia, hopefully someone will help me with that, since I have never really ridden there without following some gone riding arrows.

That week after, Im considering rebuilding the War Machine back into a fixie, that would up my stable to two single speeds as if that is not redundant enough, but I really enjoy fixie riding.

Finally, maybe another bike packing trip the weekend after and then June 13th, the BIG O rematch of which EVERYONE IS INVITED. That's right IM going back this time with my Cross bike to Ride around the Big Lake Okeechoobee. 120 miles with 1/3rd of it being an off road experience. I encourage everyone to join email me at Nakedindian99 at aol dot com if you want details. If you live in Florida, you got to do this ride at least once in your life, put the notch on your cycling belt.

I just gave you a taste of what I do to create my own reality. Now go out and create yours, OR, join me in Mines.

Keep the Shred alive folks, if you dont use it, you lose it.




  1. Amen brother Karlos.. I feel I am well on my way to changing my future based on similar beliefs. I thought I was destined to work in a hum drum job the rest of my life and work for someone else until I decided I can change that destiny and be joyful no matter what happens along the way. Now I am back in college in pursuit of my bachelors degree in elementary education... something I never dreamed of doing until I just decided I can do ANYTHING I want. I dont have a religious affiliation or beliefs but your message is certainly universal. amen brother Los.

  2. by the way... can i come on the next bike packing trip?

  3. Anytime you want, Brian, just holler... email me...

  4. Keep it rolling NI, you inspired people. The biking community as a whole needs more people like you.

    Good Luck on your class.
    Let me know if you need help.
    I can show you around Alafia.


  5. you need to do a bike packing class... just what do you pack in those bags?

  6. Last trip the bird and I took. I carried,

    WAter of course
    extra contacts
    mosquito repellent
    swim shorts
    wet wipes
    titanium pot/cup/bowl
    inside the thing was my alcohol penny type stove with winguard
    pot holder
    silver ware
    water filter
    rain jacket
    one pair of cycling socks
    one pair of wool socks
    camp shorts
    camp shirt
    bathing suit
    henessey hammock
    Dreamlite 500 sleeping bag
    multi tool
    co 2 x 4
    2 tubes
    small monkey wrench
    tube patch kit
    zip ties
    electrical tape
    camp light
    mini newt light with battery
    imitation wool blanket
    etrex gps
    6 rechargeable AA's batteries
    3 recarheable AAA'a batteries
    2 extra cellphone batteries
    portable Energizer cell phone charger
    Camp herbal summplenment kit
    arm warmers
    the cycling clothes on my back

    And I think thats it for my last trip.

    Look for the spring love bikepacking trip pics on the sidebar and you can see for yourself.

  7. O and in a small aluminum bottle I carried some denatured alcohol plus two lighters.

  8. O a lock a huge knife, and some food here and there, at any time the load would be heavied by nuts and cans of food, that I would either strap to my rear pack or carry in my backpack.

  9. In the words of john Lennon imagine. Imagine if everybody felt that way what a world it would be .. I like the way you think my friend..

  10. warrior princess4:25 PM

    Amen Daddy O!! I admire you so.

  11. Right on Karlos! I hope everyone can find passion and inspiration in what they do. Getting caught up in the day to day routine is so easy to do. I hope everyone can find their passion to keep life fun and interesting.

  12. dirtsurfer1:01 PM


    Talk about creatin' yer own reality.

