Monday, June 01, 2009


In this world of crazy, crazy, Saturdays are a nice way to escape. I had been planning to do a ride with the Birdy. Gave her options...

Shall we go on a roadie tour....

Shall we go on a one day bikepacking trip in the ONF....

Shall we go do the Spirit Tree Ride in Croom.....

After Careful consideration she opted for Option 3 Croom Spirit Tree ride.

Like always I like to Stack my chips, and set it all up for fun and adventure and make it into a weekend ChOCk full of fun. So the plan was to make Croom at 10am and get suited up and hit the trail for 4 or 5 hours then head to my Friends house in Apopka for a fun evening and chillin.

Well, the day before, the Bird and I didnt eat much.. The morning off, we barely ate enough to top ourselves off, but still went out and did our thing. Its funny, cause I am probably the most awful person to make plans with. I had planned to be there at 10am, and meet up with SEVERAL people. Well, we were there after 10, saw our friends from BADDR, then Met up with JOSH, aka Catman from the Forum. Now Josh, had never seen Croom, and I wrote him a diatribical response on the forum about how cool Croom was. Well, the Bird and I, took off out of the parking lot into that first downhill section. Mind you, I dont know how to Navigate Croom well myself, but I did have a route loaded on to my Etrex, so I was not too concerned. After about 6 miles of riding and some slight bushwacking we found the spirit tree.

I immediately noticed that there was Garbage everywhere, I picked it up, squished the cans, and loaded it all up in my Osprey 22 pack. So for the rest of the ride, I indeed rode with a backpack full of garbage.
Paintboy showed up, out of nowhere which its always cool to be in the middle of the woods and see a familiar face. We hung out a little longer and then hauled ass, as to which Paintboy gave us a course correction for future referance.
I then thought, that since we had successfully finished the first find, that I wanted him to see one of the highest points in the forest. What I call the Enormous Sandy Hill. Now the Sandy hill, has a cool wicked switch back climb on the front side, and a ridiculous steep dirt climb on the other. Last time I rode threw that spot with MK, I didnt make the climb. I wanted revenge.

After that I managed to find some of the pits and even the "freeride" area. Broke my chain, but fixed it super quick, we kept going and I started growing concerned. I know the Birdy had not had a ride in a long time and we were riding a good steady pace with lots and lots of rolling terrain. Lots of LONG ups. I recognized this place. We were going what I was perceiving to be backwards. Wow, it sure seemed like it went up hill so much more this time. Anyways I was digging it, and I was in the rhythym but the route had become rather challenging.

We made Bailout 12, descended to Bailout8, and shortly after 8 we jumped on Nobleton Road. I dont mind a good Forest road route, I prefer that to road riding everytime. So I got on there, rode up, circled back, saw Treadlight and FE, continued riding, we were just hustling on down that road, after 25 miles of relatively break free riding, we were ready for a break. I did the road climb up Tucker Hill, and as I did it, I Visualized the early morning finish of the the CFiTT, so I took to hammering up that climb time trial style. Tucked my arms in, found a steady rhythym, nothing but smooth steady strong spin. Its one of the biggest self induced rushes you can manifest on yourself, a good heart in the throat, stomach panting effort. Sat down under the shaded tree, caught my breath and went down to get the bird up the hill.

Birdy had decided she needed to walk it off when we reunited at the bottom of the hill. And I decided to just roll up and down this sucker a couple of times to visit with the Bird. I came across Marcel, it was nice to see him, he looked really fast. We chatted as we reclimbed that road again and then I backtracked one more time to push the bird as she pedaled up the hilll. (hint to Dads looking to coach your kids in off road riding. You have to learn the skill of riding next to your child as they ride and possibly, ride one handed and push them at the same time, it takes practice)

I pushed her about 200 feet, the road finally leveled out and we made it to the car to begin the repair work.

She had run out of water a while back on Nobleton Road, but we scored some water from TL and kept the ride alive all the way to the end. Josh kicked ass the whole way, dood didnt even eat for 3 hours or more, he is machine, I think Croom may have a new believer.

It was awesome as always riding with the wife.

We spent the rest of the day recovering. Had to take a little rest stop break. The night before I slept barely 3 hours chasing a loose kitten around my house all night. So I not only had a food deficit, but a water deficit as well.

We eventually reached my friends house at 7pm and spent the night, eating, chatting and watched Role Models on the TV. (Funny Film)

Got to bed early for SUuuuUUuuNNNNDay.......



  1. Sounds like another typical day in Florida's beautiful forest system..Sweeetness

  2. Thanks for picking up the Trash!
