Monday, June 08, 2009

ChaSiNg TaIL

Ya, I am a happily married man, happily, but for the past two weeks I have been chasing PUSSY kitten all over my house.

It started on a Tuesday, or it could have been just any day, Lil Naked Indian called and ask if he could bring a kitten home.

Now the Clan had made a pact, no more cats, cause we have lost like four of them. To either predators or animal control, I'm speculating cause we really don't know.

I said yes, and I should not have, cause as a Clan we had agreed n o more kittens.

For three days this kitten was hiding under Lil NK's bed and it would not come out. SO, I got the fire in my soul that it was time to resolve this issue. After an exhausting chase, the cat, climbed in a hole I had cut in the wall to check on a possible water leak.

And for three days this cat holed him self up like Geronimo hiding from the Calvary. All night he would Meow, in the walls. I had no Idea what I would do.

Well Mrs. Trebor Strebor suggested that I hide in the shower, wait for the Kitten to come out, then cover up the hole. SO, for 20 minutes I stood in the shower, frozen, waiting for the kitten to emerge from the wall. He did, I pounced covered up the wall, Lil Kitten figured out what was up and took off. Once I repaired the hole, I had to hunt him down in the house and grab her when a fight ensued.

I have never seen a Kitten with so much fight in them. She scratched me, bit me, made me bleed, not before I got her into a box with water, litter and food. I put the box in the garage, cut a couple of air holes in it and left it for the night.

Checked the box in the morning, only to discover she had chewed a hole in the box and had escaped. I thought the cat was gone, out the garage when Kai and Gabe went on their morning commute to school. But NO, Lil NK spotted her and the chase was on again. I caught her, and returned her to the room.

The problem with the cat at this point, is that since it was so baby, it did not know exactly where to pee and poo. So she required training, and after several days of pooing and peeing up Lil NK's room I decided I needed to take over.

Phase 1 was socializing her to the rest of the family and making sure she doesn't hide from us. CHECK
Phase 2 teach her to pee and poo in the right spot.

So after we tried to put litter inn the spot she liked to have accidents in, she moved her accidents to another location. So we got a small cage, and decided we would try to restrict her area so she would poo in the right spot. Cats unlike some humans don't like to poo and pee where they eat. That didn't work as she spent a whole hour shaking the cage and acting crazy, beating her face into the cage trying to get out and getting cat litter all over the cage and her food.

SO, I decided to just lock her in the bathroom, cover up all the corners with obstacles, thus restricting her space, but not as confined as a cage. Reports are in that she has so far successfully pooed and peed in the right spot twice.

If she continues at this pace, maybe on Wednesday we can letter her roam the house free this time. Also, since I broke the agreement and invited another kitten in our lives, I plan on getting this one Micro chipped so we don't lose it like we lost the other ones. Plan is as well to keep her strictly indoors to not have to put her at risk from whatever jabberwocky is taking our cats when they go out doors.

Chasing tail, at my age, who woulda thunk it!!!




  1. bwwhahahaaa

    she didn't care for the cage one bit it sounds like... now you know why she was so motivated to eat out of that box.

    sounds like the litterbox in the bathroom is working out.....

    what is her name again?

  2. HEY WHERE IS LUIS!!!???? says his blog is deleted! NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!
