Thursday, June 04, 2009

VeNtS OpeNem UP!!

I feel like venting. I know I do that sometimes on here. But this time its like kinda serious.

Early in the year I had two kick ass bikes built up.

My Mamasita was a 27speed piece of mastery and I had my fixie war machine.

One day while cruising and popular social networking site, I got an message. This message was referring to a thread on a forum about buying a particular bike and how I should not buy it, etc, etc. I responded that I was not planning on buying it, (too much money) and that I was trying to get a frame sponsor for my Great Divide Ride.

Well back and forth the conversation went, and I was given the suggestion to submit a proposal. I did, was told it was good, was told I would get a frame and long story short it never happened.

Now, little ole naive me, I went ahead and based on this Intel, and build up the dream fixie, took apart the war machine and the geared bike.

Now fast forward nearly 5 months later, I am in the process of rebuilding the Black to Gearey, although now it has a better fork and brakes, and rebuilding the war machine back into a single speed. NO free frame, and after this interaction, no desire to send any proposal to get a bike frame. I figure I will raise and save money and just buy another mamasita before the race since the bike has done nothing but treat me well.

Am I bitter about what happened. In away I refuse to be, I have been dealing with sponsors and representing for 10 years and admittedly I am spoiled by the attention I get from my sponsors who I can call and speak to and they take care of me as if I was a PRO, when in fact I am an average guy trying to create his own dream reality.

Do I want to talk bad about this company, absolutely not, I think they got good product and make good bikes and I KNOW the individual in question has way more going on then to worry about me and my needs, thus the reason in the end, I am not taking what happened personal.

Will I ever deal with them again? Who knows.... Probably not.

If anyone wants to have their frame ridden in the GDR, and have their bike ridden and tested in extreme conditions, drop me a line. If not, I will ride my Mamasita from one border to the next.

In life, we cannot ever let anyone, whether its intentional or accidental, take away our dreams. In the end Im sure what happened was not intentional, or who knows, maybe there is someone out there, jealous of my reality, plotting my sabotage. Regardless, I am known for enduring and overcoming, as my ancestors have done for 600 years, I will continue to follow in their steps.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Sorry bout the frame dealy. hoping you still pull all the resources together to make this ride. Cant wait to see you on the path toward this race!!

