Thursday, July 30, 2009

AnD ThEY MaTch Too!

Well, for the longest time was seriously concerned about my shoes. I had a pair of Sidi's that I have been using for years, and they are beat. The Velcro wont even hold anymore. So I bought a pair of Lake's that promised to be good for hike a biking but they turned out to be too big and hurt me more then they helped me.

SO, I found a deal on Some Time Carbon Fiber soled MTB shoes. Played around with measuring tapes and levels and did some test rides and believed that I had nailed the fit.

Wore them Last Sunday while GPXing the CFiTT route and not a single knee pain was had during the whole ride. Comfortable too and lots of power I assumed is being transferred since the sole is Carbon Fiber. To top it all off, they actually match my kit perfectly, almost looks like I purchased them on purpose.


Im so relieved that my shoe dilema has been solved.


The NaKeD InDiaN


  1. Clipless pedals are for the weak!

  2. I am glad I finally got some good MTB shoes - it makes all the difference in the world
