Sunday, July 12, 2009

InSults, InJurY and IGnoRance

I'm sure everyone at some point has heard the phrase insult to injury.

I think that's been my mantra for the past 24 hours.

I assume as well, that everyone knows what that means.

If not I will take a moment to explain as I understand it.

Insult to injury is when your already down, and someone goes on about kicking you while you are down.

Sometimes individuals are so absorbed in their universes that they don't even realize that they are doing it. They don't even realize that they are being insulting. They may not even realize that they have been insulting, thus I guess threw ignorance, they add insult to injury and have no knowledge of it. Sometimes, its electronically done and the individual is not even aware that another person could have seen or read the comment that they found insulting.

No matter what the reality of a situation may have been, Is it true that perception is reality, meaning, even if there is another side to the story, if thats the way a person sees it as real, does it indeed make it real for them?

I had lots of questions answered over the past couple of days and just as many questions have come up in my mind.

One in particular in the past 24 hours has been pride.

How much does one value this feeling? How much does one place anything of merit in this feeling when its based on self imposed standards?

We are the possesosrs and controllers of our mind and our emotions, yet at times many individuals lose control of one or both on a regular basis or basically have no control at all.

Some individuals are trapped by their emotions and their minds and never have enough of a moment of clarity to emancipate themselves from the mental slavery. Some are only temporarily guilty of this, while others, spend their life living this nightmare and then spread their poison as they see fit, using their own mind as the measuring stick for righteousness as they plow along blindly threw their existence. Creating and destroying as they see fit.

Intention is another thing I have been thinking about alot lately as well. The word keeps popping in my head. When reflecting, do you look at someones actions or their words. Do those two things necessarily coincide, do they exist together, is it a guarantee. Do the actions have to match the intentions, do the intentions have to match the actions?

Take all emotion out of something and look at the actions, when do you sit back and say, man, I need to take a hint???


The NaKeD InDiaN

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