Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ReJoiCe, ReVeNgE & ReCoNciLiaTiOn


LOL, got to love when I start a post with wow.

There was some powerful medicine done at the spirit tree and it seems all my prayers have been answered.

Love and life is a cruel teacher. Sometimes you don't notice the lesson or don't see it cause your mind is clouded by the emotions and the pain. But, everyone in life is entitled to a second chance especially when choices were made under extreme pressure or confusion. Everything does indeed happen for a reason and when its happening its awful, but after, in moments of clarity you can see the lessons that were being shared. Everyone has been that person who has made the wrong choice or has been the one feeling the pressure of being pulled in a thousand directions.

I got a Metric Ton of advice over the past month and would like to list the top ten things that stuck out:

1. There are no rules.
2. There are no boundaries.
3. Dont let the word Cant in your heart.
4. Feel the pain.
5. Dont be in such a rush all the time.
6. Dont deny what your heart tells you and what the universe shows you.
7. Never take what is not yours.
8. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.
9. True Love does return if you release it.
10. Being 100% honest is easier said, then done, but it should be done regardless, even if the honesty may cause the other person pain.

Sundays Dirty 100 miler, Was Awesome. I never really hurt, no cramps, didn't suffer not even a little bit. Im still a weird bike rider eater though. For example, the first four hours, I didn't eat a thing. But it worked, I didn't bonk, I didn't cramp, I had a flawless ride. Granted Mike Kanning and Rob Roberts were always a couple of minutes up the road from me, but from the beginning I had agreed that I was going to ride my pace and no one else, I took the opportunity to do a trial run.

The entire day I had a smile on my face and only the last mile or so was bothered, but that was being born out of anxiousness than any real physical pain. For the first time in a long time I felt Bulletproof, and it was an awesome feeling.

I feel good today. A little sleep deprived still, and consequently a little buzzed from the lack of sleep. But If I plan to do well at the CFiTT, the win will go to the one who can ride the longest with the little amount of sleep. So let's call this practice....

Have a great Tuesday folks, make this day your best day ever,

The NaKeD InDiaN

1 comment:

  1. FACTORe is riding with a camelback full of redbull (if you believe this I have some other tall ones to tell)

    I do not fear the CFITT - I respect it but do not fear it - It would be foolish to not respect and take it serious
