Tuesday, July 14, 2009

TenTaTive DatE BikEpaCkinG TriP All Are WelcOme

Ok, so I have decided, July 25 & 26 we are gonna roll and do the route.

Goal is to Start at paisley at the beginning of the CFiTT route, ride to Silver Glenn, eat lunch take a dip, cruise on, to eventually reach Santos for Camping and Drinks. Sunday Morning, we Ride on to Croom. This will get us the official route GPS'd so I can submit the GPX file to the racers who are doing the Cross Florida Time Trial.

All are welcome, Bring your own camping gear or make your own arrangements, meaning you can either bike pack it, or just have someone shuttle your stuff to Santos.

Who's interested? Let me know ASAP so we can Start planning.

This is Tentative, based on me finding someone to join me mostly...LOL


The NaKeD InDiaN


  1. sounds fun. I wish I could do it but the wife and I are entered in the Twilight Triathlon on the 25th. It is a evening event which is unusual for a tri - it looks very fun.

    have fun out there and take some pictures for me.

  2. I'd join to if I wasn't going to NY that week for a wedding and family reunion.

    I will see you sat for the spirit tree ride if I can keep up :)

  3. O by the way welcome back my friend.

  4. You can keep up, im just gonna be riding easy.

  5. date seems good for me now... let me firm it up and i'll let you know.

  6. ya let me know, if the missus wants she could meet us there, and camp out with ya.
