Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Your intuition folks. It speaks volume of truth to you. So often we ignore it. I have all too often ignored my intuition and paid the price.

Your intuition is a tiny little voice in your head that gives you deep insight into a higher level of consciousness. It almost always gives you the right choice and the right answer. The individuals who are more perceptive and attentive to their intuition actually have a name, they are called psychics. Thats right folk, they have no special gift, they just trust and listen to their intuition more.

You would think after 36 years of strolling the planet as a renegade warrior I would of learned to trust my intuition more. And often I do, in crisis mode, this is where I go to to find the strongest source of wisdom and understanding. But, alas, no one is exempt from the trappings of humanity so we ignore this intuition and reason steps in to feed us tons of Bull sh*t.

My advice to everyone on this Wenesday is to listen to your Intuition. I should have, could have would have, are signs that your dwelling in the past. Living in the past is the equivalent to a Ghost roaming hallways repeating the same task over and over again in a manner where they constantly drift back and forth, back and forth.

In other news I may have to take a trip to North Carolina very soon, Although its all business Im excited by the prospect of some solo travel. As well, Im contemplating, maybe making a move in the near future. Colorado sure is looking real sweet to me. New places, new faces, new beginnings.

I think a Shred is in order. Go out and shred that trail for me if you can today, or shred the curb, or shred your desk, or shred some papers... Just go out and devastate...


The NaKeD InDiaN

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