Tuesday, August 25, 2009


After the comments on the previous post, I am getting even more motivated to go do it fixie. Why the hell not. I can do 170 miles over two days. As long as I survive day one, which is 102 miles I can chill at Santos, eat a big meal in town, relax, enjoy, then ride out early on Sunday and do the last 70 or so miles.

But fixie.. Deanna did almost the entire Tour Divide, minus some 30 miles, fixed, and she was a little tiny delicate flower. I am a big strong guy, I should be able to handle it. PLUS, it would really take the pressure off. I would not really have to worry about stomping ass cause It would be me, making the record happen and stomping my own ass. Then how long would it stand? Who else would be crazy enough to try what I tried, I could maybe even hang in the back of the pack and ride with whoever is back there, laughing and chilling along the way.

BUT, I think some people think I would not make it. And its hard. Your essentially making a commitment to not coast the entire ride. You will of course coast because on downhills you can pull your legs up, but still you would definitely pedal a lot. And if I did do it fixie, I would have to go ultra light on my pack, if not, my ass will hurt.

Lot's to consider.

I know there are some out there that dont want me to do it Fixed. They want me to do it geared so I don't have "any excuses". I have had some bad experiences, especially in the past year, but I also have been really testing and really pushing the boundaries and my comfort zones. I hope to show everyone the fruits of all my experimentation.

I like a challenge. So what I got to toss around in my head, is what would be the bigger challenge or what would be enough of a challenge. Either way, anyone who completes this route, is still a champion in my book. Just finishing is an achievement in itself, no matter how long it takes.

BTW, read the rules, pre arranging a campground spot at Santos would be a violation of the Time Trial rules. Those planning to tour the route and enjoy and camp at Santos, need to remember that they would have to get there and make the arrangements that very same day, if not, go find a spot and stealth camp. Wanted to make sure I pointed that out to everyone.

Ok, tootles,

Remember, Friends, don't let friends, ride junk...



The NaKeD InDiaN


  1. that is too bad. I wanted to beat you head to head. Mano-a-mano. This is the way you beat me. You give yourself an excuse....an out...now you force and asterisk beside my victory....you are smart and just found the way to take victory from me...by not giving me the chance to beat you on a level playing field...I am impressed with your gamesmanship...my hats off to you for taking my opportunity away before the contest begins.

    congrats...you win round 1

  2. LOL.

    And I thought I was obsessed.


    This is a race against time.

    YOu still have an opportunity to best my time and I still have the same chance. Even Fixed I believe I will be fast.

    Thats IF I do it fixed.

    You will just have to wait and see what happens on the 10th of October.

    Beating me is not hard. Beating me in Peak form (which I have never experienced nor seen) would be a feat.

    I dont have the opportunity to train and I always pull some jack ass move the day of the event.

    Its not that fantastic of an accomplishment beating a single father of two who works 60+ hours a week.

    Create a loftier goal and go for the record.

    Beating me, LOL, hundreds of people have done it.

    HOwever, I am allured by the opportunity to have a record that would stand for a long time. Have a record that it would take some effort and some serious desire for someone to come out and do it.

    Fixie is hard. Regardless, truth be told, given the right circumstances, I still think, even if I did do it fixed, I would not be the last finisher, I still think I could even beat some of the dark horses.

    I am pretty fast on a fixie.

  3. I might go for 2 records

    open men and cross

    I might do it 2 times on 2 different bikes

    good luck to all those that are entered

    and yes

    I am obsessed with CFITT (another victory for you)

  4. LOL, a Geared Cross bike is an "equipment choice" there is no record.

    But remember what I suggested, and this is from personal experience, have 42 c tires or your gonna be running aka hike a biking.

  5. aren't they all equipment choices?

    the tandem is the one that is different - dual engine

  6. Again, they are, BUT, if you study the history of this type of racing, some people have attempted some of these races on a cross, and it was never classified differently.

    I am following a tradition of sorts with this competition.

    If you chose cross, you will definetely have an advantage in some sections and a disadvantage in others.

    I would go do some singletracking on the cross first before you decide.

    But TWO records... Now that sounds interesting.... Got my wheels turning...

  7. if i spent as much time training for this as i do obsessing about it, i would get every record ....maybe not the open female..but who knows

  8. I for one is tired of this pissing contest . lets give it a rest . How about a who has less body hair contest..

  9. LOL, Your so right, cant wait to do this October 10th, gonna be a blast for sure!

    Thanks for participating Bill.
