Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Am A daY BeHiNd

Today is a Tuesday but it feels like a Monday.

I just spent a spectacular weekend resting and relaxing and I am looking at the next couple of weeks and just trying to keep my focus on all the task I have to accomplish.

I have got several really good emails regarding the CFiTT and I am pleasantly surprised by the National attention it has been getting. I am extremely excited by it all and I have some serious work to do to get all the ducks lined up so I can sit back and watch this event unfold via cruise control.

One of the big question marks is when I will race it. Now I wanted to do it early and set the benchmark, but then I figured I would go out the day off and take out some frustrations on my competition. Then I figured I will go out again early, but now, Im back to the race day, not to take out frustrations, cause at this point, I think the people that plan on showing up know exactly what they are getting into. This will be a race where steady and smart will win, not super fast blazing speed.

Seems like after the GPX file was released, and some of my blog post were put up, some riders have backed out. That I digg. This event is for the die hards. This event is for the guy that requires a little something more out of their riding then the structured event where you pay, you line up, you go out for an hour, and then you go home. In this type of event, you are the only one you can rely on. You have no sag stops no sag wagons, no feed stations no outside support, no security blanket. In this race, your training aint gonna mean shit if you dont know the scope of said training over a 24 hour period. In this race, its the one willing to make the most sacrificies without completely destroying themselves that will come out on top. In this race it doesnt matter how fast you can go when the road gets flat and straight, its how fast you can go over the entire length of the course.

That means in the single track, on the hilly forest roads on the sandy forest roads, on the grassy forest roads on the pavements and the rail trails on all of it.

In this race, most important of all, there is no drafting. No tucking in behind a rider and getting a break from anything. If anything, this is a race of truth. You get to truly push yourself and truly find out what your really made of. Really push out yourself out of your comfort zone and discover the real measure of your mettle. Really discover what is inside. Really journey to a place when you realize your in the middle of nowhere and your tired and your hungry and you got no choice but to continue.

Hmmm, thats fun to me. Thats the kind of stuff I live for. I love a good supported event, but I cant honestly afford it. I desire the adventure of being out there on your own, feeling like a kid again, traveling by bicycle.

So this week I will be "structured" as I plan to continue with my Yoga work and hit them Clermont Hills twice a week when Im out in the Orlando office working. That means some very long days for me, but it also means, come October 10th, my already strong physique will be even stronger. There will be no intervals, or top end or low end work or anything like that. It will all be just me, putting on miles in the only place in Florida where you can climb climb climb. And why did I pick Clermont? Well, Take a look at the CFiTT profile, although at times when you ride the course you may think its flat, there is not much flat to be had, your going up or down at one point or another almost all day.

Its gonna be FUN, and as the days go on, my strategy becomes clearer, the goal of crushing the competition becomes a reality.

So, A challenge is being issued. You think you got what it takes, you think your strong enough, you think that this is just an easy walk in the park, bring it. Put your riding where your mouth is. Come out and do this damn thing. What are your fears? If you know them, then face them? Certainly you have nothing to fear out of me, I am an overworked, undertrained, endurance rider with little to no chance of having the fastest time. BUT, I do have the extensive experience in suffering, so, hopefully that part of my preparation will take me over the top!


The NaKeD InDiaN

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