Monday, August 03, 2009

T'hE WeeKenD

Was spent running covert ops it seemed. Driving all night on Friday, to roll into a hotel parking lot and Recline my seat and get comfortable to sleep about 4 hours or so till the morning. Go into the hotel and use their lobby bathroom. Then off to some extracurricular activities, and then more fun, running around town, gathering things and playing.

Eating Lunch, while pretending to be someone I am not, but still feeling like the person I am, but still pretending to be someone else. Noticing the people who are noticing me, and noticing that I am being noticed is sometimes entertaining. Makes you wonder, what is it they are noticing?

Then Early check in, and some cat napping on the couch till my room was ready. X games on the tube. Damn, each year, it gets closer and closer to the things you see on the video games in relation to the tricks they are pulling. More cat napping. Damn, those two beers I had at lunch got me drunk.

Bored, got up, decided to go for a swim in the pool. Get in, man, that water feels good, but, man, is this not as fun as I thought it would be. Hit the poolside chair, and listen to music and lay there. Thinking about the afternoon and everything that has been going on for the past 24 hours. Then, back to the room for a little more relaxing. Till.... A change of plans... Hit a movie, with some Excellent company and a long lost person that I longed to see for the longest time. Race to shower and get dressed, even though I was already dressed, but then did the math and figured I would not have time to come back and get dressed, so I decided to do it then.

Funny, how when you don't know a town you think you got all this distance to cover only to find out, you were just about 3 minutes and 30 seconds away from your destination.

Good times, great feelings. Like warm blankets fresh from an oven, covering your flesh and staving off the chill of the air. Rubbing, rubbing, rubbing. God did indeed bless us with skin littered with nerve receptors, and hands that when properly trained, know just what to do to keep that movie interesting, no matter how interesting the movie isn't or is.

Then, back to waiting, ahhh, more catnapping, then the message comes and the night begins.
Details, o details I will spare the details... But it was "THE BEST EVER".....Like it always is.... In fact I don't think I have ever gotten together with you and it has not been the best ever.

Morning brings deep sleep, in fact, the deepest sleep I have had in weeks. To get up and quick pack to prepare to split. I pack up and move out, turn in my keys, head to the car, and then hit books a million to burn some clock, hoping I see YOU and that ONE person that needs to see me just as much as I need to see him.

More hanging out, great BRUNCH, thank you cause, ya know, I am on a budget. Great conversation, and even better mental and touch stimulation. I think my fingers and hands are in LOVE.

Then, off to see someone else I have needed to see in a long time. Touching words, tears were shed, only by me. LOL... Then off to make the trip home. Drive, drive, drive, sleepy, sleepy, 30 minute nap turns into a 1.5 hour nap, but you got to listen to the body.

Wake up, and do more miles till finally, I get home, and make myself breakfast at 1am in the morning. Got to love it!

Deep, deep sleep, another very deep sleep session. My body is learning to snack on these sleep sessions and maximize the effects. I wake up, go to work, and here I am.. Thinking of the next time I will escape to see you.

Sorry Mucaro, not biking related...


The NaKeD InDiaN

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