Saturday, September 05, 2009

ITs LiKe ThE GaMe AiNt ThE SaMe....


I feel like I have been waiting to exhale all week.

A full work week, 12 hours a day for 5 days straight. Tomorrow morning I need to go help out in the office for two hours.

90 minutes of Yoga time and a 6 hour ride in the works for tomorrow A.M. that is my sweet reward for all the work I did this week.

Its been a home ownership battle ground, as I painted the living room. Decorated, after waitinf for 6 years... Then reconfigured an redid the way my garage was laid out, at the same time fighting this horrible AC leak which is not solved yet, but at least I have a temporary fix going. At the same time, I got my LiLR Naked Indians' Birthday this weekend and The Warriors Princess and ChoKo Brown are coming to visit.

Just another hectic week in the world of me.

Tomorrow should be fun.

We are all Now Familiar with the Cross Florida Off road route that Myself and Rob Roberts put together.

What alot of you dont know is that it keeps going. All the way back to paisley creating what we like to call the EYE of the HURRICANE.

So There is a Not so recommended route across the Seminole Forest that I am going to go tomorrow and scout out and see if I cant make it a completely legal route across the forest.

Using the TopoFusion software, I created a track that I just loaded on to my GPS and I will ride about 22 miles to the start of the ride, 7 to 8 miles across the forest, then 12 miles into Deland and another 17 miles back to my house. So, quick math here, 22 + 8 + 12 + 17 = 60 miles or so???

Wow, LOL, ya should take me six hours or less, and that's including water and refuel stops.

I have really dissected the Primal Blueprint over the past week and believe I have finally found all the keys to solving any and all nutrition issues. So I am confident I will be able to cruise the route no problems. I dont have any real form of Ideal Electrolyte replacement so I will have to rely on Gatorade and such till I can get some of those Endurolytes again.

Ok, So it should be a fun adventure. After all that riding, I am hosting a Slumber Party for LiLRNaked Indian and then somewhere in the wee hours of the morning ChoKo Brown and the Warriors Princess Roll into town and the Fun kicks up an even higher notch.

I got to say, the Law of Attraction is so actual Factual. You really can manifest and create your own reality.


Check tomorrow I May get in the mood to do some video post. I will be on my Cross as The Not to be named to be raced bike is in Modification form and I have no choice but to Surly Cross check all my rides at the moment. If the dirt is hard across the forest, I will be spared any hike a biking, I hope it is...


The NaKeD InDiaN

1 comment:

  1. Coconut water. remember its natures gatorade. Not only does it have the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood, it cleans the digestive tract, detoxifies the body and boost the immune system along with much more! Come on folks! recognize!!

    Love you Daddy!
