Wednesday, December 30, 2009

CaNt Do It!

It was a warm summer morning as I scanned the event listings of Mountain Bike Magazine that I saw the listing for a 50 mile off road Eco tour In San Felasco.

I thought to myself? 50 off road miles. Mind you, this was back in the day when 50 off road miles was something I considered to be insurmountable. I still remember how grueling my first Ididaride was. Coincidentally, my first Ididaride, as hard as it was, was my second fastest only to last years time, on the Fixie War where I KILLED.

Since they have offered the Tour de Felasco I have made the ride and participated. Have not missed a year. BUT, in the past 3 recent years, the registration always seems to hit when I am the most financially distressed. AND, because the thing fills up in 3 days or less, I rarely ever get in. SAD, so SAD.

So every year, I am left to beg and Scramble for a spot.

This year is no different.

If you don't feel up to it, cant make the ride, don't want to make the ride, Let me tell you this up front, I hear its gonna be cold and raining.

Email me at Nakedindian at Singletrack Samurai dot com. I am trying to take the entire Singletrack Samurai Productions crew up there, so Ideally I am looking for 2 tickets.


HIT ME UP, you know your not up for it, WE ARE.


The NaKeD InDiaN

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