Thursday, December 17, 2009

DrY iDeaS

This weekend Mike Kanning, Rob Roberts and I are going to map some if not all of the route ole school style one pedal stroke at a time. Rob is only hanging till Apopka, but thats cool, Mike and I are going the whole way.

Been kind of predicting and expecting rain for this voyage, sure enough the forecast calls for nasty weather when we are expected to roll out tomorrow eve.

What does that mean?
Well it means I got to waterproof all my gear and be ready for what the wicked weather may bring. On top of that, come Sunday night when we are out in the wilderness the weather is suppossed to get down right chilly with the lows in the upper 30's. To some, thats not a big deal, to us in Florida, thats a cold night.

So the mission from Friday Eve, till Saturday Eve, is to keep the gear dry, so I may have an opportunity to sleep well. O what an interesting challenge it will be indeed.

I used to go the expensive route and buy all sorts of zip loc baggies and bag all the items, but now, I just take them excess plastic shopping bags and just wrap the items I dont want to get wet.

In Fact, I had the foresight to order a Bag cover for my Osprey pack. Ordered it with 3 day select shipping so it would arrive in time. BUT, when checking the UPS tracking site today, it shows that they rescheduled my plan delivery to Monday. O just about 3 days short of the day I need it. WTF... Of course I called the retailer and complained and they did the only thing they could and refund me the differance in shipping, but that still leaves me with a lot of tedious prep to do tonight after I get home and do the myriad of other things I have to get done.

BUT, dont mistaken the tone of this post, I find lots of fun in the prospect of waterproofing my gear, preparing well, and dealing with what nature can throw at me. So much, that the fact we are scheduled to pedal 300 mostly off road miles in 2.5 days is not even registering as a concern nor an issue. Its just something that's got to get done.

As I sit in my big office and look out the window, I can already see the Thunderstorms on the horizon teasing me about what is to come. Well thank you creator, you know I like to suffer and you know I love a challenge!

Still plenty of time to fill up a backpack and join us on the ride, Dont be Scared!


The NaKeD InDiaN

1 comment:

  1. oo oooo oooooo oo - it sure is gonna be wet out there!
