Thursday, December 31, 2009

ThE LoSt

Indeed. Being Lost is a scary feeling.

One time, My good friend and I were on a "journey" in the forest. Late at night, riding the white trail towards the river at Econolokahatchee.

And at some point I just lost the blazes.

I could feel the panic settling in.

It was dark, the Trail Rat lights we have only last 2 hours tops, so soon our lights were gonna die, and I could not figure out where the trail went.

For a moment the thoughts of being lost in the forest raced thru my head. What was I gonna do, where would I go, how would I get out, what is the solution.

I managed to calm myself down and just back tracked till I found the blazes again and we just scrapped the ride to the river mission and headed back to the boardwalk we had been hanging out at.

Eventually, we made it, but the lights died and we had to ride that trail in the dark.

Often my friend and I joke about Superior Jedi skills, well we sure pulled them out that night, navigating that overgrown super buff singletrack with no lights. Did I mention it was rooty with creek crossings.

The Owl is a nocturnal animal that hunts at night and can see in the lowest of light settings. It has very big eyes that it uses to absorb more available light and see thru the darkness.

I need to be able to see thru this darkness right now.

I need my Jedi skills right now.

I need not panic from this Lost feeling.

Happy New Year folks, 2009 GET THE F*** out of here, 2010 has got to be better.


The NaKeD InDiaN

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