Wednesday, January 13, 2010

FiXiE DeAtH MaChInE!!!

I have a deep love for a bike that don't coast.

Tonight... Be it frigid or not the time has come to do road duties. And the Fixie machine is currently set up for just that.

Pedal, pedal, pedal...

Last time I rode it was Christmas and the 10 mile ride I did was painful. O so Painful. A short 10 miles and I really felt it. Almost killed myself too. Today I will do a little longer and Saturday I will do as much of Rob Robert's stroll as I can.. Cant wait to see How Clermont and I fare in this battle of non coasting goodness.

For the time being, until that 42 x 17 feels like its not torture, I will call the War machine the Death machine. LOL...

It's fun to me to test my limits...

Tell me, whats your passion?

Take care,


The NaKeD InDiaN