Thursday, January 07, 2010

TuG o WhAtEvEr...

(This pic has nothing to do with the subjec,t I did a google search for the word IN and this was one of my choices, watch how many hits I get today.. LOL)

So, I had a ticket, then I didn't have a ticket, now I got a ticket again.

Now to talk Felasco business. I have not read a thing about it and hear rumours that I can ride 62 miles. IN!

Can Rob and I finish in Six hours? Well we are sure damn well gonna try, IN.

What bike will I be riding? Well, I got my fixie all cyclocrossed up, I wanna leave it that way, so the only MTB I got is the Black BEAuty. SO Geared and coasting IN.

Rob and I will hang out, it will be his SECOND Felasco, so that makes it UBER FUN, IN.

I will probably skip stop 1, stop at 2. roll thru lunch, stop at 4 and then fill up at 5 then finish the BEAST, IN.

What does this mean, it means fun fun fun. Thick wool socks, wool shirts and arm warmers all day comfort. I don't think I will need my super fat gloves cause I expect to be standing and pedaling, not sitting and freezinG, did I say IN.

See ya there, say hi if you recognize me, if you don't know what I look like it will the strikingly handsome man with the natural long hair insulation flowing, that's right folks, when its cold, I can let the locks HANG, IN.


The NaKeD InDiaN


  1. this is my second time. I did the very first one in 2001.

  2. O well, can we just pretend its your first, geeze! LOL

  3. Have a blast..Stay warm.

    ( blog reader #18)
