Thursday, February 04, 2010

My RuSSiaN GiRlFriEnD Part 3

Well, the suggestion was made by someone who shall remain nameless to ask her for NUDE pictures.

I honestly thought I would not see one, but she sent one.

Out of respect for the poor girl who's pictures are being used I wont post it. Cause I am 100% sure that this is a hustle so if this person is using someones pictures that means theoretically there is another victim in this that we do not know, the poor girl who's image is being besmirched.

Regardless, I have good news, SHE IS COMING TO SEE ME SOON!


Subject: Airport code

Hello Karlos! I don't have enough time to write a long email I'm in a hurry....
Please write me the name of the closest Airport to you (possibly International) and it's code (if you know).
For example the closest Airport to me is Ekaterinburg and it's code is (SVX). I already started to pack my things
and I want to start my trip so I will go to Moscow from Ekaterinburg. I have so many worries and I'm so afraid to
start everything but if I don't start it now I will never do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will go to airlines office now and will buy a tickets to Moscow, its very expensive, but I have some savings so I
have money to pay for plane tick
et to moscow and to pay for renting room in moscow. As soon as I will arrive to Moscow,
I will finish my documents to travel, as work permission, medical insurance etc. I`m waiting a confirmation of airport
from you, so I will buy ticket to your airport. I know it won`t be cheap, but my mother will receive a salary for
last 6 months (her work detained wages) and will send me money when I will find out the cost of tickets!I will know
this info in Moscow. I asked my sist
er to take a naked photo of myself because I didn't have any naked photos and I
thought I will need them and it was my choice. Also I didn't want all men to look at this pic.... and now I know you
little more and I will cross my fingers I'm not wrong in doing this and I will make a show of trust and send you my
naked pic to you hoping it will be for your eyes only and you will not show it to someone. I was not comfortable to
pose for such pic and I tried to smile
, I think the pic is nice. I don't want to chat about sex or something like that,
I just wanted to show you how my body looks like... and that's all. Maybe I shouldn't do this but I will click
"send" button and close my eyes! I hope you will be not mad on me because I sent this pic for you, I'm a good girl,
really!!!!!!!!!! Please don't show my pic to anyone and please don't ask for any naked pics in different poses or
something like that. I'm a good girl and I'm not info taking naked photos!
I really apologize if you think now I'm not a good girl... I hope you don't think so.
I'm impatiently waiting for your answer! AAAAAAAAAAAh!!!! I'm so ashamed to send this pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is just too funny. I hope others can see that this is a hustle and I feel very bad for someone who falls for this.

In my response I answered the question, I also told her that If something happens I don't have money to help her. Kind of cutting off the next email at the pass. I wonder if they had a standard email and pic ready for a person who request a nude picture, LMAO..

This is just too funny and outrageous,

Take care,


The NaKeD InDiaN


  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Looks like we are on the same schedule.. i wander which one she will show up for... i'm betting her mother gets sick.. or hurt so her money is now gone... or she gets robed in Moscow... yea that's it.. because we all know that the Russian mob is in Moscow... and they pray on attractive young girls..

    I do really feel sorry for the girl they are using for this scam..

  2. LOL, I have noticed via blog tracking that alot of people have been communicating with this "MAN", Hope no one out there is falling for it, the nude pics were ok, ask for some, LMAO..

  3. yo send me those pics.


  4. LOL dont you read the comments, this guy has got the same letter I did...
