Wednesday, February 10, 2010

NK 150

Close to 150 miles in 4 days had my legs feeling like spaghetti as I was teaching my Students how to climb the ladder yesterday afternoon.

By the time I got home, I was ornery and tired and really needing to go to bed. BUT, I didn't, I made my dinner, cleaned up the house a little, and then settled on the couch with LIL'r NI scanning the tube searching for something entertaining.

Monday's ride home seemed like a good idea. Right around mile 20 I was cold and thinking wow, this was not that good of an idea and I still had 17 more miles to go..LOL...

When you ride in the dark, everything seems to take longer and go slower. And after a brief stop at the store (i love the attention & stares when I walk in a store in full cycling regalia) I went home, cooked dinner and got into bed right around 1030. I wanted to be in bed sooner, but things just don't always work out the way you want.

530am came quick. I got up, checked the route, google Map's bragged about a much shorter route and I decided if I wanted to make it in time, I needed to take the route that was going to be quicker. Now mentally it seemed longer, but in actuality, google maps was spot on with the mileage.

I checked the weather and 45 degrees sounded real cold, considering the previous commutes 51 degrees felt frigid. So I put it all on, 2 Lycra shirts, my wool shirt, arm warmers, leg warmers, wool socks and shoe covers. As I rolled out, I felt toastee and everything seemed to be working well. In fact, 2 miles in I ventilated my gear, but never had to take anything off.

I dreaded getting on the bike that morning, but once I got rolling I felt really good. I was having fun and my speeds were downright solo roadee riding respectable. I was feeling competitive knowing I had to be at work by a certain time made all the difference. I kept the hammer steady and followed the Google Map route to the letter, with one exception.

Once on Maitland Blvd I turned early, and noticed I was in a parking lot, I looked over a little curb and steep uphill off road hump mogul looking thing and noticed that was the road I needed to be on. A die hard Roadie, might of turned around, or dismounted and got over the dirty obstacle. Me I just hit it at speed like I would on my mountain bike, flew over the top dropped down into the street and kept the pedals turning ( I love my cross check).

Eventually, I got to the final stretch, got all tucked up time trial style and finished my commute, with 10 minutes to spare. Great ride and I felt energized, I believe the word I used was Supercharged.

Commuting is fun, and if the weather is not outrageous I plan to do the same thing next Monday and Tuesday, a good way to get miles in and still be there to take care of my Solo Parenting duties.

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya with that cold weather crap! I'm finding that I really don't look forward to riding into work when it's under 55 degrees.
