Friday, April 16, 2010

I LoVe To Do iT DiRTy!!

The dirty Dan O rolls tomorrow morning.

How did I get into the whole ride/race promotion thing???

Well, I think it all started when I attended the Catch 22 and I heard Robert Bounds give a Riders meeting and at that point, I said, Self, if these guys can do it, why cant I.

And now, its exploded into so much more.

My favorite part of the ride is giving the riders meeting. Gives me a chance to tell jokes and share the genius of my concepts and ideas. Remember folks if you don't pat yourself on the back, then who will.

The course as its Laid out, in my opinion, is pure genius. You get to ride every trail in Santos In a logical manner backwards and forwards!

What I discovered after studying the maps is that the trails on the Vortex side and the Santos side are basically laid out in big circles. On the Vortex side you start on the smallest tightest circle and then fan out, on the Santos side you do the exact opposite, You start on the biggest circle and work in. Then on the way back its reversed, you start tight on the Santos side and work out, then Big Circle on the vortex side and work in. GENIUS I TELL YOU.

I am blessed to have found not only something I enjoy and have a passion for, but a gift for being a Route Architech, who knows where these new found skills will take me as time progresses.

All riders should of received an Email, its time to have fun. As expected there will hopefully be some prizes in the a.m. and maybe even a game centered around these prizes. We will see what happens when I get home if the Postman drops me something good from one of my best sponsors EVER!~!!

OK so, see ya in the morning, bright and early, bring your shred and your can do attitude, Quitting is not an OPTION, not even KIDDING!!!

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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