Wednesday, April 21, 2010


As a weirdo bike racer, I have only 3 or 4 races that mean worth a damn to me, PMBAR is one of them.

Last year, We rode a ridiculous ride, had a lot of fun, but alas missed the cut off.

For Years, Luis and I have tried to put a team together and its been unsuccessful. One year My health bad, one year his health bad.
This year, there are still obstacles, but we are determined. Determined to DOMINATE the other Teams.

See, what Eric Weaver, Pisgah Productions main man doesn't know, is that there are Little races going on within the big race. And this Little race is For the Florida Title. SO, our goal is to be the fastest Florida Team without a doubt, Make the White board, and Shred the GNAR.
Not a tall order, not at all. I'm feeling strong. Mucaro MTB dot blog spot dot com was the first finisher of the Hardest 50 in the state on Saturday, does that give you any idea of where our fitness is at the moment. It's keen. Plus I KNOW Pisgah forest, Luis does too. Both experienced back country riders, Both strong, do other Florida Teams Stand a chance. NO, sorry. You are not going to be able to have the necessary combination of skills to dominate.
And there it came out again. The phrase that means all in a Race Like the PMBAR. The necessary combination of skills.
Its not just speed, its not just ascending skills, not just descending skills, its not just mapping skills, self supported skills, gnar tech skills, chunky monkey tech skills, route architecture and execution skills; its all of these.

What you got FloRiders????


Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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