Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ConFeSSiONs FRoM the CoMMuTe

I wanted to ride in so so bad today. But when that alarm went off at 4am my body requested 2.5 more hours of sleep instead.

Usually I drive the bike to work, then ride home, then ride back the next day, kind of break it up, use the car like a closet to keep my things.

So I drove to work today and boy was it not nearly as charming as the bicycle ride in.

Its funny the things you see and experience while moving along through areas at a pedaling pace. I see lots of cool roadside goodies and often I am tempted to stop and pick them up.

See lots of interesting looking people who will sometimes smile when they see me or Scowl as if I am trespassing through their sacred land.

Since I rode the cross bike, Im not afraid to hop a curb or a median, or wheelie pop off a speed bump. Not afraid to air out that bike.

And the contemplative almost reflective mood that overcomes you, the slower cadences lend to inner dialogue and reflection on life and things.

A couple was walking along the side the road. Body language lended itself to more of a stroll then a purposeful walk. It was a male and a female. The female was wearing a long dress, very thin clothed, so thin in fact I could tell what kind of underclothing she was wearing, Made me chuckle.

Hey Did I just see a chain tool on the ground or was that just and T handled Allen key???

Even though the sun was bright yesterday it still felt amazingly cool out, The mornings have their charms and sounds, dusk has its own Flavor, Night time its beauty. Its simply magical out there to watch the world from the seat of a bike.

Sure, the heavy traffic roads are a snore and it is tiring to hear cars zip past you or even better hitting the stutter stumps as they make their way around you.

But its still wonderful, when you get home, or get to work the sense of accomplishment is an extra special blessing that everyone should experience.

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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