Monday, May 10, 2010

TrAFFiC, HuStLiN and CoNNecTionS

If your fortunate enough to not have to deal with a highway system before you get to your Place of Employment in the morning consider it a blessing.

EVERY morning that I go to work, I witness the tomfoolery of human society on the highway system.

Needless Slowdowns. AND I Mean NEEDLESS. I don't claim to understand what makes traffic work. Why at certain times of the day you could literally ride a bicycle quicker than the traffic moves. BUT, I tell you that any roadside distraction will slow down traffic.

This mornings road side distraction? An Empty Parked State Trooper vehicle. Most mornings, its a Motorcycle State Trooper pulling someone over and ticketing them.

Some mornings its a complete mystery as I see nothing that warrants a slow down.

I am feeling the stress at the moment of getting my hustle on. Getting out there and doing what needs to be done to prepare for what lies ahead. I have a couple of HUGE races coming up, and I want to do well, so I will start by commuting to work and confirming that my knee is healthy and build off of that, with proper eating and Lots of Core work Via Yoga. Come time for my first trial at the end of the month I should be tight.

I learned something over the weekend. Well not learned, but confirmed. I got to see someone that I have not seen in a long time and it was much needed. I will attempt to dance around this subject, I will be specific without being specific, I will give detail without giving details, I will try to elaborate while being intentionally vague.

In my younger years I was able to just go and drive this tractor that I wield and gain some sort of satisfaction. It was easy to just go and seek and destroy. Rather, I think at that point in my life maybe the satisfaction I was gaining was from the Hunt or from conquest, or maybe it was to seek attention and to feel valued. To a point, I think I have done way too much of that. Sought to feel handsome thru Extreme Tractor Pulls. Sought to make others see how handsome I was by telling them how many individuals want to see my Tractor pulling skills.

Then over the past couple of months I saw that Tractor Pulling just wasn't as fun as It used to be. Sure the sensation of Shifting into the big gear and releasing the power feels good, but not great. Why not great? Well I think Spiritually, I have experienced truth. I have truly experienced the melding of Mind, body and spirit when it comes to Big Rig driving. AND, if I can only experience the body part, it leaves me feeling empty. In fact, the only satisfaction I obtain when doing Extreme Tractor Pulling, is when I can feel it on all Levels, Mind, body and spirit. When I can Feel that Soulful Connection.

Have you felt this? I willing to put money that 90% of you don't know what I am talking about, never have felt it and never will feel it. Some of you think you have, but I don't think you have. I cant change what I have now evolved too. I am too the point that If I cant have what I want the way I want with who I want, then I don't want it. It's not worth it, I might as well, just Solo Drive my rig if that is the case. THAT's how serious it is. I am not being dramatic, or romantic or anything, it is FACT. I cant just throw it around like I used too, not cause it don't work, and it works fine, cause I don't care too, I have tasted Heaven and only Heaven will do.

Its true.

Dancing, is one of the things I Love to do.

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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