Thursday, May 13, 2010

WhEn ItS CoLd OuTsIDe

Man, When it rains it pours. And just when you think you see the light, you get thrown for a loop.

Life is such that we are defined by our challenges. Whether self imposed, or whether created by circumstances or bad choices.

Imperfection plagues every single being on this planet.

No one is exempt from its vices or devices.
Sometimes, we all make bad choices and do things we should not have done.

Regret is a harsh teacher. AND if you let it, it will drive you insane.
But think. Think for a bit. What is most important in this universe. Some of us are blessed and we have everything honkey dorey. But that blessing at times can turn into "taking for Grantedness."

For Example LOVE. I dont know if all of you know what True Love is, and I wont get all preachy and sit here and tell you that I know and you dont. Perception is ultimately part of it all. BUT, How many of you have had that True Love tested, Challenged, pushed to its very limits? How many of you have had to let it go to see if it would come back? How many of you, have had the very boundaries of what your Love can do tested?
For truthfully, that's one sure fire way of finding out how REAL this LOVE you got is. By testing the boundaries and the limits. So just like Life is defined by our challenges, so Is Love.

I feel blessed to have at least known what True Love is. Have let it go and watched it return. Will it stand all Challenges, I have faith that it will.

Take care,


The NaKeD IndiaN

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