Monday, June 21, 2010


If you don't know you should Know that Rob Roberts and I make up Singletrack Samurai Productions. And it had been a minute since SSP had an official BRO down. The Plan was for us to get together, take care of some things and go jam out some miles. The Planned route was West Orange trail to Apopka, then return dirty via Apopka Preserve.
BUT, since it had been awhile since we had got together, we were both pretty relaxed, talking it up, sharing information. Rob and I, or should I say SSP, will be racing the Tour Divide in 2011, so we are taking this whole upcoming YEAR to prepare.
AND frequently many topics have come up recently. We spent a good amount of time talking about KIT TOTAL WEIGHT. Rob was going to take today as a good chance to do a shakedown, I was just looking forward to riding the Black Beauty which had been laid up since the Epic Abridged ride I had did. After tuning this and that and just having a good ole time, we rolled out.

And that's when HE SHOWED UP......
Apparently I have a problem.

Soon as we hit the Rail Trail, a Roadeee blows right by us as if we were standing still.
All the Sudden something came over me. I felt like John Rambo, "You Drew First Blood, NOT ME"... and Boom it was on. I tucked into my Freddie's and started chasing. It didn't take long to draw him in, but I timed my pass on one of the short climbs on the Rail Trail. I find its demoralizing at times to get passed, 10 times more demoralizing to get passed on an up hill by a guy on a mountain bike, tailed closely by a guy riding a bike full of stuff.

I kept pace, we kept tight, every one I would see would be consumed on the spot, would be consumed on sight.

Eventually, as I am enjoying a downhill, the Roadee which I had dropped, came up right next to me on the road, I immediately sped up to stay even with him. Loving every minute of the ride so far. Fortunately for him, he was continuing on the rail trail and we were continuing to the store to weigh Rob and his KIT. We do the Weigh in and ROB and his KIT are 227lbs of Hardcore Cyborg.

I look at the time and realize that its almost 9am, and I need to be done by 12pm or so and we still have the whole trip to do. Unfortunately we had, or maybe I had, farted around too much that morning. SO, we discuss options, and finally, feeling like my legs need to just take it light for the day, say, let's just get coffee and talk. Rob suggest we ride to Winger Garden and have coffee there and ride back, sounded good to me, we ROLL.

As we are riding there, we are going up and down, eating people along the way and before long, we catch my Roadee friend from earlier. Eventually he pulls up next to me and says,

"you guys got nice LEGS",

"I say, thanks",

Then he asks,

"Do you know Dave Wood",

I said I dont. Always get that name mixed up with Dave Hawkins for some reason.

" He asked about our set ups, we chat ULTRA for a minute, then I start doing Tempo."

I know I am making Rob work, he is riding a heavy ass bike, but I figure I can Domestique. Roadee man takes over and puts in a steady tempo and then I take over trying to keep it at 26mph for as long as possible. I ride till I blow up, then Roadee Man ask if he can pull and ask me what speed, to average. I say, "18 is good" as I gasp for air, and he proceeds to do 20, which was fine, I still recovered all the same. BUT then it happened!!!!

As we are making our way past some walkers, Rob Roberts, the 227lb Cyborg attacked!
I had to delay my counter for a minute to get in a good spot with the walkers, but I Counter as quick as I can, and hit the pedals as hard as I can, so hard, my Front Ring Slips, but I still recover after almost eating it and HAMMER< HAMMER< HAMMER....

Kept him in sight, only to watch him, pull away. I should have maybe waited? Who knows... Rob GOT ME...LOL

WE got Roadee man too, as I look back it was as if he had decided to moonwalk pedal his bike backwards.

Eventually, I soft pedal and let Roadee man catch me, I invite him to Coffee, but he continued on.

It was like sitting in Downtown Vienna Italy as we sipped our Iced Latte's and talked more bike talk. The ride home was just as aggressive as I continued to eat any and all riders, walkers, skaters, even saw a couple on those weird scooter skate trianglemabobs.

Rob, didn't attack me again. I don't know if it was cause he was tired, or showing mercy, or what, but I did Attack him the whole way back, HEY, its a shakedown ride right, just being a good friend ya know???

Happy BeLated Father's day to all Fellow Fathers. I would of said it yesterday, but I don't usually BLAHG on the weekends.

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN


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