Monday, June 07, 2010

HuRaCaN FuRy: TuCkEr HiLL to RiDgE MaNOr

I wasn't asleep long before the sun had already risen and I heard some inquiries from the park attendant. After a brief conversation he recommended I move my current sleeping arrangements down to the picnic tables by the main trail entrance. I packed up and shuffled my tired frame over there for more sleep.
It was 10 am when the sun was beaming on my face acting like a natural alarm clock waking me from my rest. I got up rubbed my eyes, immediately I start doing math. Before I can get prepped to roll out a Green Law Enforcement vehicle pulls up and the officer gets out. After answering several questions, just the basics, who, what, where, when and how, He checked my I.D. and let me be. I packed up and got to work on the task at hand, 12 miles of singletrack on a fully loaded non brake having fixed gear bicycle.

Pic courtesy of Donald Harries via facebook looking good!!!

I was not excited about how I had to start my day and was not sure how my body would react to the effort. But I got rolling soon enough and did the best I could to stay busy. I had to push some of the uphills, and I worked the best I could, was so relieved when I got back on the Withlacoochee paved trail attempted to sit and rest, but now, it was close to 1230 pm and it had taken way longer then I expected. I still had 68 miles to go and only 4.5 hours to do it in. The feeling of defeat was washing over me. I was hungry for a hot meal, and it felt like the distance was too great for me to relieve my appetite. I would either have to wonder off course 4 miles and then cover the ground needed in what seemed to be at this point in the ride a pace that I could not muster. I pedaled the best pace I could, took a break in the shade and told Rob Roberts that I was about to ride to 50 to see if I could hitch hike back to Clermont.

Rob replied that he was at Jimmy cottons and would come get me if I wanted, I said, that was up to him, and he said he was on his way. I pedaled to the main trail head, enjoyed the shade then pedaled on towards Clermont on 50 immediately spotting a gas station not even 1 mile off the course. I will remember this for future restocks as its the closest one within the start line.

I sat in the AC, ate and drank and ate and drank and surfed the web. I felt good, I rode one heck of a ride and had one kick ass time. I am pretty sure that unless I can figure out how not to get raw buns and naughty bits from Fixed gear Ultra's I will not be doing one again anytime soon.

Rob showed up, we packed up and chatted the whole way back to Clermont. I did my best and rode a good ride, but next time I will hopefully crack the Huracan which has now kicked my ass twice, LOL.

Now I sit here a week later, some of my fingers are still numb, but I am all healed up and ready to divide and conquer my next challenge. I have a couple of more Rides I want to do but I can see the TNGA on the Horizon.

Take care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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