Thursday, June 03, 2010

HuRaCaN FuRy:PAiSLeY to ELeCtRa

What does Ham and Swiss mean to you???

To me Ham and Swiss means sliced deli ham with Swiss cheese.

Apparently to the owners of this little convenience store in Paisley it means roasted pork with Swiss cheese.

This is what I was pondering when I was doing the 20Th climb on the Paisley MTB trail heading towards the forest road wondering why it was so hard and wondering why I was having to stand. I still at this point had not put it all together that I have over geared the bike.

Every climbed sure seemed long, and the downhills were sweet. As I ticked off the miles, I got onto the forest road, not bad, kept riding, into more singletrack on my way to Buck lake. Somehow I got lost, had to backtrack to take a break and rinse off and drink water. By this time, the small numerous climbs had added up and I was feeling it, but I was determined, like I said.

As I refueled and updated the world on my status, I remounted the steed, re rode the past 1/2 mile off singletrack and made my way towards NFR 595. Before I even got to the Forest Road I could here the rumbles of vehicles. Weird. And within 10 feet of it, I saw 3 dune buggies fly by at break neck speed.

I started my 595 traverse. I call it that, cause it was arduous, difficult and torturous. I cant quote the miles, but I can tell you I was either, standing and pedaling to keep traction, or trying to ride a 8 inch strip of path made by buggies or sinking in wet sand and pushing. For the duration of the entire road.

Towards the final leg I would see lights from behind, It was pitch dark, and I would get off the road and hide in the bushes till they passed. I didn't want to have any run ins with intoxicated people looking for entertainment. At one point I saw some lights coming from the front, I jumped in the bushes and the car stopped less than 100 feet from my location. I heard two m en exit, and saying they were going to use the bathroom, and then two ladies, who did the same thing, I could hear their entire conversation, but they did not know that I was right there in the bushes.

One of the girls said "I think I just peed all over my feet"... I did my best not to laugh. They got in the truck and took off.

I kept going. Eventually, I saw the Road, and finally was out of the forest, happy and relieved. I knew there was a church coming up, and as soon as I saw It, I was only planning on getting water, but saw that the entrance had cover and carpet and immediately altered my plan and decided I would sleep there.

As I sprayed myself down with bug spray, laid out my stuff to dry and got comfy I updated the world and quickly fell asleep. Before long I saw a light shining on my face, and I hear a man asking "hey what you doing there???"... I responded, "sir, I just pedaled 108 miles through several forest, I am tired and seeking sanctuary, I promise I will be gone in the morning". I could see the man's eyes and his wheels turning from my words. And then he said "OK, but if your here in the morning, your welcome to join us for service." And that was that. I slept like a peaceful stone on the carpet all night without further interruption.

Final part tomorrow,

Take Care,

The NaKeD InDiaN

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