Monday, June 14, 2010


The Morning of the Huracan I thought I had packed it all up nice and tight and I did. I was almost in Minneola when I realized I forgot my Poly wool blend socks that works so well cause they dry so fast.

So even before the adventure started, the adventure had started. I had to unpack and get out my spare socks, which were intended for spare purposes and not for primary use. I had resolved I would buy some better socks along the route somewhere.

As I pedaled on, and eventually made Greenway Cycles in Santos right across from the Santos Trailhead. I eyeballed like a predator some socks with spiders on them. Indeed I liked the socks, being a Native and being a person who delves deep in spirituality I saw the Spider as a fitting totem as of late. I see him here, I see him there, I see the spider everywhere.

After my clean up and rest I came back, bought the socks ate, hung out and chatted and rolled on. Needless to say after the epic I continued to ride with them socks I grew quite attached to them.

Saturday I met up with Jonesy and Curt to ride the Santos Epic Plus abridged version. I carried three bottles and no food as I figured I would pedal up to the convenience store on 200 and get food. The game is changing at Santos, so many cool things you can do with that trail system, about one hundred different types of rides you can do out there, pick your poison folks.

I intentionally kept the pace high, busted out some sprints here and there to open up the legs. Kept driving at the front like a good little domestique. Rear Cassette was skipping, front tire ran out of Stan's and kept going flat, but I kept the pressure. Kept my poker face.

On the way back, there is a nice long climb on the limestone road that flattens out, then you climb over the land bridge, it is there that I always attack those who I am riding with and today was no exception. As I hit that spot, I stood up and pedaled away. I did a Lance Armstrongish look over my shoulder saw Curt, but then didn't. I pedaled up and over the Land bridge, kept the pace high and then it happened. After accumulating almost 400 miles since June 1st I caught my first cramp, right leg calf muscle. OUCH. I figured if the guys took it easy on the climb, and then gunned it on the downhills, they could maybe reel me in before the lot. Not even a second after I completed the thought I saw Jonesy leading the charge around the corner, I kept the pace steady as I worked thru the cramp and they came in just behind me as I made the lot. It was fun like always.

After refueling we finished the ride, with minor stops and I was noticeably upset that I missed my 12pm finished time and almost made the group start all over again, JOKING, LMAO.

As I cleaned up, ate some Lunch with Jonesy I made quick pace to Apopka to take my Friend Magii who is recovering from a knee injury. When I got there I decided to lay my soaking sweaty clothes on top of my car so it would dry. We hit the Skate park, I kicked around a little, then basically just watched more then rode. When I came back I grabbed all the clothes that was on top of the car, or so I thought. When I got home, I noticed, I forgot to grab the socks, and pictured them Lost on the roadway somewhere. That evening, I took the boy out for Pizza buffet, then we attempted to see the film but my addled brain messed up the showtimes and place.

Regardless, that night I slept well. The next morning we got up, went and saw kick ass in Port Orange, drove home and a friend came to visit. As I was preparing for the visit, I was walking by my truck and I noticed that on the rack stuck in a strap were my spiders socks. WOW, I drove to Apopka, to Deltona, to Port Orange and back and the socks never left the rack, I snatched them up and brought them in, happy I had not lost my new luckee socks.

Training update, this week is a so called recovery week, so I got some miles to make up from missing Sundays work out but it should be easy.

As well, I am cooking up a Crazy Road Ride as crazy as my off road rides, I am going to Call it the Samurai Roubaix, you should join once I post it up.

Take care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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