Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I think as children we all daydreamed of finding a treasure. Perhaps that's part of the reason we all liked pirate movies or Indiana Jones or Johnny Quest. We want to discover, explore find Hidden Treasure, X marks the spot.

That's How I been feeling lately on my commutes, treasures abound at every turn.
There are two big peaks on my ride. I know, I know you hear the word peaks and your thinking gigantic mountain tops, but to me, they are the two highest points on the route offering vistas. Yesterday's commute home was a bit different as I chose to use My TNGA/TDR machine to hash out the brooks and comfort fit issues.

As I was crossing Peak number one, the Eye four Suspension bridge, I could see what looked like an upside down trapezoid of a storm cloud with showers raining down from it. The best part, or the worst part, was that it was located in the direction that I was heading.As I got closer to it, I could feel the cold wind that Storms often have associated with them blowing in all directions. Constantly changing, sometimes a headwind, sometimes a crosswind. I had already mentally anticipated my most likely location of encountering the storm and the possible place I may seek cover and wait for it to pass. I figured by the next highest peak on the route, the Bridge on 415 crossing over into Volusia county, I would be under it at that point, or just skirting it.
Once I was on the route it was hard to see it, but not hard to feel it. The headwind was once again strong on this day. I tucked deeper into my freddies and with effort could still muster a 17mph pace. Being Aero was indeed a benefit as I was slicing through the ever direction changing wind.I reached the next highest peak and look to the west and see that indeed I had skirted the storm and avoided the rain. I thought, what a beautiful treasure I had in being able to identify and understand a Florida thunderstorm so much that I could have the foresight and planning to avoid it. The gift of being able to see the entire storm entity as it moved across the land releasing its deluge.
All that Big gear work I had been doing had added up. My Upper Thighs felt heavy as bricks from all the effort. But this morning I got up and rolled out into the morning daylight. Either I am getting incredibly fit, or those first 10 miles I had a tailwind, cause I was doing 20 mph without barely a pedal stroke of effort. It was a bit magical.

People don't need to go Geocaching or GPS treasure hunting, they can just commute to work. I see so many roadside treasures. ON this day I found an entire wrist watch, fully functional and still intact. But I see many things on the side of the road. Women's thong undergarments, fishing weights, bungees, tools, dead snakes, Rubber Cobra snake, License plates, and toys. Today was no different. All the treasures that lay on the side of the road, that fall from peoples cars could make a pack rats day. I resisted every time. I admit the Rubber Cobra snake was tempting. So was the tiny rubber dinosaur I saw yesterday or the little action figure I saw today, but the only thing I scored was a wrist watch, that I will wash the bands and give to LiL'r NI so he may better know what time it is.
Discovery, exploration and treasures are around us each day. You just have to have the foresight and awareness to see them.

take care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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