Monday, August 16, 2010

ThRu DyInG

So, the other day Rob and I were having a conversation about self supported racing.

I was telling him how many more variables go into Self Supported racing vs. the normal type of racing most people are used to That I expect those who have never done it to Fail.

Of course I am going to say that. Do you have even the slightest Idea how many trips I have gone on and crumbled and failed. How many times I have gone out and turned myself inside out to the point where I completely cracked.


But through all those failures, all those critical moments, all those bad experiences I have learned how to succeed. Through my disappointments I have learned to overcome.

So I don't have a lot of faith in new people stepping into the game. My attitude is to expect them to fail. The learning curve is steep, the climb is long, and until you have done it, its a whole nother world that your stepping into.

The TNGA is right around the corner and it will be the biggest challenge that I will ever face.

Physically I am ready. I feel strong. Surprisingly all this installation work has increased my tolerances for the horrible temps that are out there.

My kit is ready and the bike is ready. I reconfigured my 2 x 9 set up and its optimum for climbing. I am literally missing only 3 inches of gear ratio from someone running a 22 x 34.

I dont know who the other racers for the race will be, but I venture there are not many champions stepping up to the line, and after all I am the Cross Florida Fixed Gear Champion.

So, physically I am ready, the bike is ready, the kit is ready and I have done enough self supported ride to feel that I am experienced enough.

The only thing left, the only thing I have to make sure of, is that my head game stays on the end game. And the end game is crossing that Alabama border. My end game is to stick to my goals, yet stay flexible enough to alter it. And most of all, to have no quit in my heart.

After all, through all my failures, I feel I have finally found the key to succeeding in the self supported racing game.

Take Care,


The NaKeD InDiaN

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