Monday, January 14, 2008

Tree Fitty T shirt

What I would like is some feedback, some voting. Utilizing the comment feature at the bottom of the article give me the vote on two of the pictures, one for front and one for the back of the shirt.

The theme is South Park in origin since that's where the name came to call the 3 januaryish off road 50 milers.

It helps to understand the concept and theme if you watch this clip.

Now the idea is in its preliminary stages, meaning I will probably add a little more lettering and things of that nature to comedy it up even more. I also wanted to keep it simple. As well, i would like to put one on the front and one on the back, There will be numbers below the options to help you place your votes:

#1 Back

#2 front

#3 Front
#4 Front

#5 Back

Personally, I like # 1 and # 3. But I want to hear what everyone else has to say.



  1. I vote #1 and #4... I like it simple.

  2. 1 & 2 w/o dates so it can apply to any year you do'em. Is it Fitty or Fiddy? LOL...

  3. The IDIDARIDE is on the 19th. Wish I was gonna be there. I agree, No dates so they will be cool every year. Also mabey add some of the clubs involved like SBA and SWAMP.
