Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two Fitty: The Tour de San Felasco

The morning was overcast at this years San Felasco. I could feel, in the air that the rain was going to come.

Well, it took all day, but it finally did. It was that Ghost rain. That rain, that you can barely see, but for some reason, everywhere you look the ground is soaked, yet, it doesn't look like that much is falling. Strange.

The Felasco ride was Uneventful. Is that a bad thing? No, it was spectacular, I just didnt have any problems hence the eventful part. The route was the best its ever been, I was able to consistently but down the hammer and ride my butt off. I ate enough before the ride, to feel fueled as I rode. I was nearly 37 miles in when I started seeing the usual casts of riders. I saw all my team mates at that point, Harvey, Ryan and Dave Snow. So yea, I was doing great on speed and time.

At lunch all I ate was some peanut butter crackers and kept rolling. I don't know how people can stop for that long in the middle of a short ride like that. Stopping that long hurts more then it helps. My advice for my team mates was to not eat the cramp medicine. Not that the food was bad, just stopping that long is bad.

I have really started mastering the rides that have a longer then average distance. You would not believe how much it helps to just, break the ride down and focus on rest stop to rest stop even if you don't stop, instead of thinking about then entire package. It seems to help in keeping you moving fast and staying motivated.

The last couple of miles were muddy, water bogged and super slick. It made for some slower going then the rest of the ride, but super fun nonetheless.

All in all, my second fifty of the year proved to be the funnest I have had since I have started doing the ride. It was my first time doing it on my Salsa. My first time, that I made every single climb even the super beast after lunch. It was my first time, that I didn't use the granny gear for every single climb. In fact the only climb I used it on was the aforementioned super beast after lunch.

Awesome Performance on my part. O and final note. The Edge 205 by Garmin, is super neat. But not accurate in the twisty woods at all. It doesn't measure the distance. So now, I am a supernerd and ride with two computers on my bike. Yea, I know, I'm a dork.


The groovy shirt and bonus sweatshirt,

Thanks Mace for the ticket!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    You are not nerd for having a gps plus a separate computer, just anal about your data like me.
