Tuesday, August 26, 2008

100 MiLeS and RuNNiN: Impressions of the NK ride I did last night.

100 miles is the goal. All before the 8 hours of Labor.
Last Night Naked Indian Ride. Best Training Ride in West Volusia.
My house is an Island. People flooded to the hilt, their house is the only thing left not flooded.
Everything else is submerged. Riding thru lakes and streams that didnt exist several months ago.
Soft Sand is Bad. Hard Sand is good. Over Saturated Sand, is Awful.
50 miles, in 4 hours and 7 minutes, fastest for me yet. 13 miles, I had to stand and pedal the whole way, the saturated sand is an evil foe.
The single track was sweet. Super Sweet. Till I climbed North. Then it turned Evil Overtly Evil. I have never ever had a forest in my way with downed trees to big to simply carryover hop. Kick the branches, pound my way thru, If there is away to Gently throw your bike over a downed tree, I discovered it last night.
No hydration packs, I aint racing with one so I aint training with one. Used my new handlebar bag to carry extra water.
At first it sucked. Till I figured out how to use it, then it rocked.
Streams everywhere. Nearly Hub deep and bottom brackett deep water. Nearly, my pedals got submerged and going fast splits the tide like Noah in the fabled bible myths.
Toughest Naked Ride I have done to date.
Now I got a new problem. My lungs are about 100 times stronger then my legs. So although I had the ability to pedal 13 miles standing up (and no choice) my legs are hurting bad today.
Interesting problem I have never had before.


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