Thursday, August 07, 2008

YoU WiN SomE YoU LosE SoMe....

This is a sad posting for me. Seems all the cycling related bloggers that talk about animals speak on their dogs and their love of dogs. I think Dogs are cool, but dogs need lots of attention and time, both of which I am very limited on.
If you recollect a while back I introduced you to this little guy.

Rowdy, was a bad ass cat. Intelligent and totally trainable, he could have been a circus acrobat cat he was so smart. I think this guy down here:
Swooped in and took him. It was a Sunday. He didnt come home that night. I thought maybe animal control had nabbed him. But, after numerous calls, he was no where to be found. Later that day, I was hanging out front riding my skateboard with my sons and I saw one of these guys fly by at top speed. He was small still and light, he could have easily been swept away by a Hawk. Its very sad for me cause we all had a very special connection with Rowdy. He will be missed.
A week ago, while I went and grabbed some watermelon and chicken from publix, I came across this guy:
Some kids were giving away a bunch of kittens and I picked him. It's been tough going cause he is still very young and we have had to potty train him which has been interesting. So far though he is a good little guy. I got his name from a show called Avatar and he is named after this guy:
The original Mo Mo. My cats' full name is MoMo the Japanese Cat. Why that name, I guess he looks Japanese to me.

No dogs for this blogger, just cats.


Luis G. said...

A hawk? Seriously?
Dude, that sucks about your cat...sorry to hear that. Maybe you should keep MoMo inside for now...

So when are we riding?

Karlos said...

Ya it does suck, I loved that little guy. My weekend looks like Saturday the bird and I are hitting Felasco. Sunday were hitting Santos for miles, yellows and blues. Maybe We will get lucky and see ya.
As for Mo, he going outside till he is too big for those kinds of dangers to befall him.

Treadlight said...

"Mo-Mo" are watching too much Avatar dude.

See you at San Felasco. I'll be late tho.
