Tuesday, February 02, 2010

EPiSoDe FiVe: The DoNkeY RiDe....

This Online dating crap is not encouraging.

Along with the hordes of daily scammers, the numbers are not promising, let's look at the stats.

200 emails sent. 7 return contacts. 1 text freak but nothing else. 1 would not meet and flaked. 1 still in contact. 1 dead boyfriend disappeared, not even worth writing about. 1 Russian scammer. 1 who is not that good of a contact. 1 date.

Wow, I cant even do the statistics on that, but its not encouraging. I am pretty much, maybe gonna try one more site next month and then give up on the process and resort to not worrying about it anymore. It seems like the luck is not there for me... BUT, on to Episode 5.

It was a Wenesday that I got a return letter from a contact. She was interested but was apprehensive about me having Kids. I responded, left my number and On Thursday she called. As expected, I am a charming guy so the conversation went well. AND she agreed to a Friday night DATE. MY FIRST DATE since I began this process.

We met, and she was not awful, not perfect, but not awful. We got along great during dinner, there was definetely a spark and the conversation was flowing. I paid for Dinner, we went to a bar, she had a couple of more drinks, but admitted she was not comfortable and suggested we go back to her place.

We did. We hung out. The intention was just to hang out and socialize, but although her mouth said one thing, her spirit wanted something else all together.

Long story short. She got what she wanted.

Next day she invited me back, so I went. We hung out again, and again she got what she wanted, all the way till Sunday. Come Sunday though, she wanted to Hang out again, I wanted to go home, but she insisted. She was kind of pushy. I was tired though, I had slept only a couple of hours, had rode the Ididaride, had gone to her house and drank with her. SO, I was kind of hanging out, but Kind of cat napping. I DONT THINK SHE LIKED THAT AT ALL.

She all the sudden had to leave, which was fine with me cause I wanted to go home. That night we spoke, it went well. Next day though, she didnt call, and I have not heard from her since. Which is good, cause she was pushy and frankly annoying. I known her not that long and she told me every bad experience story that she ever had with a man with all the details, geeze save something for later will ya.

I had told her, that night after the Donkey ride, that I was not in a rush, and I needed to take it slow. I wasnt really feeling her anyhow, not enjoying her company that much, she was just not a good personality fit, BUT, a good fit for everything else.


So one date, one donkey ride sounds like alot better stats,

Take Care,

The NaKeD InDiaN


Abby said...

Well, this is interesting...

Found this because I've been wanting to go to florida and bicycle. These "episodes" don't have much to do with bicycling in florida but are very entertaining. Have fun!

Karlos said...

LOL..email me I will be glad to answer any and all of your questions regarding Florida biking. There is a bit of a series going on that is about to die here shortly, LOL..

nakedindian at singletrack samurai dot com

paintboy said...

I'm starting to think it would be easier to rent...