Friday, August 29, 2008

The Secret Single Speed Class: 8 hours of Labor.

Well, its time to make bike race.
All week I focused on eating right to stay and burn as clean as possible on Sunday. Stepped on the scales and I am a Lean 168lbs going into this fight, mean and cut up like an MMA fighter.
Around 3pm as a rule for the SSSC class I will start shotgunning a cold one every lap till I finish the race.
I reckon we ain't starting at 10am cause that would make everyone in this secret division an alcoholic, and trust me, I am far from an alcoholic, I like beer only when I ride single speed.
They go together, I have done extensive research, riding SS means you like or need to find the love for brews.
I know if you just started SS you might have a hard time believing this, but give it some time you will see what I am saying is indeed fact.
In fact one of the most memorable rides I had was a full moon ride out at Santos after hastily drinking 3 cold Ambers. One word to describe it: Psychedelic!!!

Those of us brave enough to fight the heat on Sunday: God speed. Find it. Follow the flow of and the rhythm of the trail. Be open to the lesson that the universe will teach you that day. Be in the moment, accept the experience, the suffering, the pleasure, the agony and defeat. Accept it all and then build towards your next personal investment in seeking the most beautiful gift of fighting a battle like a lone and true warrior!



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