Monday, August 11, 2008

SunDay: TwO CoGs No WaItIng.

Sunday morning we got up at nine. Feeling good, we made our way slowly out of our hotel room. Found the local IHOP and had some good breakfast. Then we patiently made our way to Santos. We parked at the main trailhead, this was going to be the Birds first time riding out from this lot. I wanted to treat this as a recovery ride so I told the Bird that we would take it easy.
The route was simple, take yellows till we hit the wagon trail at the Landbridge trailhead then ride that double track all the way till the gate, turn around and come back.
We got there pretty quick and in the first hour we were avg around 8 mph. Once we hit the wagon trail, the pace lifted. I had never rode the whole double track out to the gate, but it sure seemed like it took forever. Once we got to the take we took a small break to refill her water and then made the turn around back. The wagon trail has some pretty good climbs on it, and its around this time while standing and pedaling that I noticed the most God awful creak coming from my bottom brackett. I made a mental note, next time to check my chain tension before leaving for the weekend and leaving my toolbox at home. We were cruising good, but towards the end the Bird was getting her Butt kicked. The 18 miles we did at Felasco was hard on her, but at least after climbing there is some downhill to take the edge off. But, when riding Santos, its mostly constant pedaling and towards the end she was feeling it. Regardless, she made it to the end and we completed 32 more miles hitting our goal of 50 for the weekend.
We hit the Dairy Queen before we got on 75 to head over to Apopka to visit our friends. We had some Mexican buffet for dinner and spend the evening watching the Gymnastics on the Olympics.
After all that riding, the Bird was cooked. Me, with the exception of a little soreness in the Tendon behind my left knee I felt fine. Considering this was the longest ride I have done in nearly two months, I thought it went perfect. I didnt have the heart to tell Sandpine and Morrisson that when I rode with them on Saturday it was only my 4th ride in nearly two months, but its all good. The rest actually did me well and I feel stronger then ever.
Great weekend and a great time. Next weekend were heading to Panama City, and this week I am going to continue riding hard to get ready for the 8 hour. My goal, 8 laps.

LOSI love when I have a great Idea and then fail slightly on the execution. Check the Bluetooth speakers on the bars. With this I am able to not only listen to music while my phone is tucked safely in my pack, but I can take calls at well. Where I failed was in wrapping a rubber band around the speakers and the brackett. I had to native rigg it and use some vine to keep the speakers from flying off.

1 comment:

EL SandPine said...

I know you had not ridden much since your surgery. I mentioned it on my post. 8 laps for the 8 hrs.. Hmmm.. that is sub hour laps for you. I'll stick to my goal of 6 (but 5 will do, lol)

Love the vine zippy ties. I can't wait to hear what Luis will say about this. I know he is probably looking up for a DVD player for you to mount to your cockpit by now. LOL....